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A/N 😢 Hope your ready to cry. 😭

"Bakubro! Did you see the new Red Crimson Movie? It was so manly!" Kirishima was still bouncing with excitement but I just rolled my eyes. He has been going on and on about the movie since he saw it on Saturday, it's Wednesday now.

"Get off of me," I huffed, shrugging him off but that didn't make him smile any less when he started talking about the big fight scene towards the end, again. I just lean back and let him talk though, it's not hurting anything and I've been stuck in my own head for a while now. I woke up in a cold sweat early this morning and I haven't been able to shake this bad feeling that I've had ever since.

"Kirishima? Do you mind being a little quieter, I'm having trouble concentrating," Deku's voice comes from behind me and I turn in my seat to see what he is working on. He has a notebook out and he was currently working on a diagram of his own hero suit and it looks like he was trying to work in some upgrades.

"Sorry Midobro, I'll try not to be so loud. I'm just so excited," Kirishima chuckled but his voice was noticeably lower now.

"Thank you!" Deku smiled up at him before turning his attention back to his notebook. Kirishima commented on how focused Deku was and of course how manly he is but all I can think about was how my bad feeling is getting worse as time goes on. The bell rings and Kiri goes back to his seat and Present Mic is lecturing about a classic English novel that we will have to write a report on when the door slammed open and when I looked up my blood froze.

"Mom?" Deku asked, confused, probably wondering why she is here but all I care to notice is the fact that her quirk is going crazy and that there is a bunch of stuff floating around her reminding me of my bad feeling.

"Izuku, Katsuki can I please talk to you out in the hall?" Aunty choked on a sob.

"Aunty?" I asked hesitating a moment but standing up regardless.

"Ma'am? We are in the middle of class so unless it's an emergency..." Present Mic trailed off only just now taking in her disheveled appearance and the fact that she has been crying a lot recently was not hidden from anyone that looked at her.

"It's an emergency," she tried to clear her throat but by now I couldn't take it anymore and I was next to her, trying to comfort her, Deku on the other side of her.

"Mom? What's wrong? Let's find somewhere for you to sit down, you look like... Let's find somewhere for you to sit," He couldn't finish that thought and I don't blame him. Nothing good could come from finishing that thought, nothing good at all.

"Aunty, we can go to the cafeteria or there is a bench outside. Where do you want to go?" I asked her, keeping my voice soft for her and if nothing else that seemed to snap our English teacher's mouth shut. I respect a few different heroes but absolutely none of them could ever get me to treat them like how I treat Aunty. None of them deserve it, well maybe All Might but that's it.

"Katsuki, you have my permission to use any part of your quirk," Aunty looked up at me not answering either of us and suddenly my bad feeling was 1000 times worse and so were her tears. "Izuku, your father..." She tried to look Deku in the eyes but he only seemed more confused when she choked.

"It's okay Mom, I talked to Dad last night on the phone. He said he was planning a trip to come see me this weekend. Don't worry about Dad," Deku tried to coax her but it only made it worse. She started hiccuping and her tears were practically blinding her but when he tried to hug her she pushed him away, and tried to wipe away the tears at the same time.

"No, Izuku, your father died this morning!" She tried again and I helped her down to the floor before I turned my attention to Deku who's quirk was going off, crackling around him.

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