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A/N Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday's from me and mine to you and yours! 🎄

"Kacchan, why can't you listen to anything I ever say? Did you ever stop to think that maybe I might have had a good plan that wouldn't destroy the whole building?" The pro hero Deku was screaming at the fiery blond hero known as Dynamight, who was now turning around and screaming profanities back at the greenette.

I shake my head already exhausted, this has been going on for years now. When are they going to finally man up and just kiss already? I know I'm pretty dense but I'm not THAT dense. I walk over to my two former students, even now a full year after they are pro heroes, they can't stop fighting.


I watched as the sea of people, civilians and pro heroes alike parted making way for me. I know what I must look like and the fact of the matter is, I am done. I am done with it all.

"Stupid Deku, don't fucking call me that while we are working dumbass! It's Dynamight! DYNAMIGHT! Get that through your thick skull!" Katsuki screamed jabbing at Izuku's chest with a finger.

"And you're one to talk? When have you EVER called your FRIENDS by their pro names? Huh? Name one time!" Izuku jabbed right back at him.

These two are known as the first and second place heroes, Deku being number one because Dynamight couldn't keep it together for a full interview to save his life. Truthfully I should have done this a long time ago, maybe even their first year of highschool.

"Boys," I spoke low but clearly and their friends who had been standing nearby, who were just watching, decided to run away. Very fast, and without a word. The two in question however didn't notice, far too absorbed in their petty argument that I really don't understand how no one else has noticed the obvious sexual tension between them. I mean, just how?

They kept arguing and I took a step closer and using my hero form grabbed both of their faces to turn towards me and they froze mid sentence as I did. "Boys." My voice was extremely quiet now and neither of them dared to argue now that I was here. "Enough is enough and I think it's about time we go Plus Ultra." I gave them a small grin barely holding myself together at this point. I haven't held my hero form for this long in years and I'm pretty sure it is currently destroying me from the inside out.

"All Might?" They asked, their eyes widened as they both seemed to get nervous at the same time.

"You two," I smiled and quickly turned their now much closer faces back towards each other. "Kiss and Make Up!" I boomed, before letting them go and I was forced to revert to my regular crippled old man self and cough out an ungodly amount of blood.

But I noticed that neither of them pulled away or even tried to fight me, no if anything it was like they were being pulled  towards each other before they managed to collect their thoughts and pull away from each other. Both a bright red and their quirks going off around themselves, Katsuki's explosions going off with no regard at all to the fact that he was already exhausted and dehydrated while Izuku's own green energy was crackling around him as he covered his mouth with his hands, neither of them able to look away from the other.

Yes, I should have done this a long time ago.

"Anytime I have to stop one of your fights, I don't care if it's an argument, physical, with or without quirks, you will kiss and make up for now on. Oh and next time I'll get a shirt and make you share it until I'm satisfied that you have learned your lesson. I am done. The public is done. Your coworkers are done. The Hero Association is done, we are all done." Now I smile at them and ask, "Do we need to go over that again?"

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