Hidden Desires 🍋

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A/N Sorry it's been a while. With everything going on it's been hard to find time to write anything at all. I hope you all enjoy the story! 💃🏻

"What the fuck?" I rubbed at my temples, my poor pounding head, but nothing was helping.

"Bakugo, we need you to tell us if you have any," Aizawa Sensei paused, trying to think of the least insulting words for this bullshit. "Sensitive desires, you may have."

"What the hell are you smoking right after a mission?" I asked him point blank and with a straight face. Seriously, what the hell is going on?

"Young Bakugo," All Might spoke up while Aizawa Sensei sighed, frustrated. "You were hit with a troublesome quirk and if we know the answer we might be able to keep it discreet and away from the public and media in general."

"You're serious?" I raised an eyebrow at them, we were sitting in All Might's office, hell we were still in our hero suits, I wasn't even allowed to change yet. They both nodded and I sat back trying to think. Something I tried to hide? I mean I know plenty of secrets and I have plenty of my own but sensitive desires? What the hell does that even mean?

"Explain your question so that I can answer it," I groaned rubbing at my still throbbing head, seriously my head hurts like hell, did I hit it on something? They exchanged looks before Aizawa Sensei slid a sheet of paper towards me with some of the most disgusting shit I've ever seen but as much as my hands popped I forced myself to read it all.

"No," I forced the word out like it bit me. Barely containing the rage coursing through me as I reminded myself over and over again that they weren't accusing me of any of that shit when a thought hit me. Do I even feel attracted to anyone at all? Have I ever stopped just to look at someone? Have I attempted to flirt with a girl in my life? Even once? Hell I don't even remember asking my hag where babies came from, I know thanks to biology and health class in middle school but that's besides the point.

I felt myself go pale and Aizawa Sensei noticed. "Bakugo?" He prodded gently and I shuddered at the thought.

"What if I can't feel attracted to anyone? All the shit I talk about everyone but I still don't want to end up alone," the words slipped through my lips without my permission and he looked back at me shocked.

"Young Bakugo, you are still young. It's not odd for someone your age to not think about it yet. Attraction comes with age and maturity, not saying you're not mature. Contrary, you are a little too mature sometimes, but there is nothing wrong with you," All Might fumbled his words and honestly he butchered it so much that if I was even a fraction as sensitive as Deku I would be bawling right now. Wait, is that my problem? Am I not sensitive at all? I mean I'm strong but I'm still human.

Am I too strong? Is that even a possibility? Or is it something entirely different?

"Look it's late, Bakugo just keep what we said in mind and if you think of anything just call me and I will take care of everything that I can," Aizawa Sensei cut All Might off from fucking this whole conversation up even more and I just nodded, lost in my own thoughts.

Is there something wrong with me? Am I broken without even really noticing?


It's been a week and I still haven't done anything to warrant attention from anyone, well except for my temper but that isn't anything new.

"Bakugo, you have a meeting with Hound Dog today about the accident last week," I looked up confused at Aizawa Sensei's bored voice.

"Since when?" I demanded and he narrowed his eyes to glare at me.

My Hero OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang