Forced Confessions

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"I'm sorry," I felt the words erupt out of me and no matter what I did I just couldn't stop the words from tumbling out. It had started to rain and it was already dark out but even so Deku and I just stood there. I felt my body shaking and when I looked down I was trembling. It took a while for me to realize that it wasn't raindrops landing on my gloves.

I angrily tried to wipe away the tears that came unbidden, unwanted things, why do they have to make this so hard?

"Kacchan?" I saw him take a step forward but I set off a small explosion in my hands to keep him away, far away from me.

"I can't stop it, stay back." I yelled hoarse already, but that should be understandable. We have spent all day fighting villains in this forsaken war. Even now I can look around and see heroes and villains alike lying lifelessly on the ground, forgotten in the heat of the moment. The fighting only just stopped a few moments ago and that was only because Deku and I had managed to kill All-For-One, horrifyingly at that. We had spent most of the day fighting and it was a last ditch effort but combining my explosions with Deku's One-For-All we were able to actually rip the bastard's head off his shoulders.

But it came at a price.

Deku stopped in his tracks maybe a millisecond before he frowned and stepped forward anyway. My tears were streaming down my face while all I could do was stand there, praying that I didn't hurt him, or anyone else for that matter.

"I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry." The words kept spilling out and I ripped off my gauntlets hoping that if they weren't near me then maybe fewer people would get hurt. Just maybe.

"Kacchan, look at me!" I jumped at Deku's far too close for comfort. Voice jarred me from the endless abyss that is my mind for the moment. So many could have beens, should have beens, WOULD have beens and none of them could happen now and all because of me.

When I was losing focus again Deku grabbed my chin and jerked it up and all I could see were his endlessly beautiful green malachite irises looking back at me. His stare was hard and even with the rain they only sparked with determination, come hell or high water he was going to get his way. My breath stuttered just seeing his usually happy soft features so set and firm looking at me now, practically glaring...

Glaring, that's the word. He was glaring deep into my black soul and I felt like mine was reaching out towards him, pleading for a way to not drown in the guilt that was currently flooding me.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, my voice breaking as I tried again and again. Why? Why won't the words I need to say come out? I'm trying so hard but it feels like I'm being buried alive, more and more pressure is being pushed on me every second, making it harder.

His eyes softened as he held mine. I felt his thumb glide along my chin and his eyes drifted down for barely a second. Could I hope? Could I actually dare to hope that it somehow wasn't too late?

"Please," I begged, leaning into his touch, shocking the green eyed man I've been in love with since before I even knew what the word meant. Love, I love Deku. I love Izuku Midoriya and just him standing so close both hurt and soothed the ache in my tattered soul. "Please?" I closed my eyes not daring to look at his face anymore. If he walked away I could handle that, I could open my eyes and put the erasure cuffs on myself and check into a nearby hospital until the effects wore off. Hopefully I won't feel the need to be swallowed up by the ground by the time that happens but it is what it is.

"Kacchan, look at me," I heard his gentle voice and opened my eyes to see his soft gaze directed at me. I blinked a few times, not sure how he could be looking at me like that after what he just found out. What he found out about me.

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