Don't Get Caught 🍋

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It's been a long night, I stretched feeling as my back and shoulders popped from the tension. The hot shower was practically calling my name in the deserted locker room and I stepped under the hot stream, sighing out in relief. It was a hot and muggy day and there was no end to running around thanks to not villains but careless civilians. I stopped three small fires today and that's not including the actual villains that I had to chase down, I'm exhausted. I cursed under my breath not caring if anyone was around but the locker room was far too quiet for anyone else to actually be here anyway so whatever.

I lathered the soap in my hair scrubbing out the dirt, smoke and general grime from the day.

"Damn, it feels good to be clean again," I sighed and rinsed out my hair before taking a loofah and scrubbing at my skin.

"Kacchan? Is that you?" I almost jumped hearing the familiar voice calling out the childhood nickname, he must have come in while my head was under the streaming water.

"What the fuck, Deku? Are you trying to get me to slip and fall or some shit?" I grumbled but he just apologized instead.

"Sorry Kacchan! I didn't mean to, I'll just take a cold shower," wait, what?

"Why would you have to take a cold shower?" I questioned him, the locker room had about a dozen showers in it, so it's not like I was in the only one.

"Oh, it's just that the other water heater is broken and this is the only working shower connected to this water heater," he answered as if it wasn't a big deal and I rolled my eyes at his stupid innocence. I knew it was the only working shower on this side. It's the reason I picked it, I didn't look at the other side though so I don't know when the water heater broke.

"Whatever just get in here then," I sighed, I am technically done with my shower but I am not done letting the water run down my exhausted body.

"Really? Thanks so much!" Deku's bubbly voice entered at the same time that I heard the shower door open. He walked into the stall, carefully locking the door behind him and I stepped to the side and put conditioner in my hair while he quickly cleaned himself off and we were both relaxing under the hot stream.

"Showers really are the best," Deku whispered and I hummed in agreement. It wasn't until we decided to rinse out the conditioner at the same time that we bumped against each other and I tripped enough to land against him, pinning him to the side of the shower stall.

"Oh," we both grunted at the unexpected contact and I froze, feeling his skin against mine. That actually feels really good. Deku wrapped his arms around my waist keeping me from falling any further and again I'm hit with how nice our skin rubbing against each other feels. I coughed and stood up looking down at my feet trying not to look at his face only to see something else instead and I quickly looked away from that too.

I wasn't the only one getting hard.

"Umm, Kacchan?" I looked back up at his determined face. No, nope, not happening, not now.

I cleared my throat, "Watch what you're doing next time." I quickly turned away refusing to acknowledge what we both already know.

"Excuse me," I heard his quiet voice and the stall door opened and closed behind me and I silently hit the brick wall cursing under my breath.

"Why am I such a fucking stupid asshole?" I whispered to myself only to hear the stall door open again, making me jump.

"I don't know but I'm getting really tired of just letting it be," Deku responded, hanging his towel back up and walking back over to me. "So just tell me, yes or no?"

"I need context Deku," I played dumb, well I think I'm playing dumb. The only questions I can think of right now are either erotic or romantic in nature and I can't really see that happening at the moment.

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