Honeymoon 🍋

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A/N Happy birthday Kacchan 🥳

It's been a long day but the rubble from the earthquake has finally been moved enough to account for everyone and thankfully there isn't anyone missing. It was only a small earthquake and most structures were just fine, it just happened that the construction crew hadn't put in all the support beams yet and well it was just bad timing. Bad timing in that the president of the company and Momo's father just happened to be touring the site at the time and yeah.

Thankfully no one was hurt too seriously and I already called Mom to let her know her dad was perfectly alright but somehow there was a reporter nearby with a camera. Just great.

"Please stay back until the crew has been able to determine if the area is safe," I recited the things that I was supposed to say but as usual the reporter didn't help with anything. Huh now that I think about it, it's kind of off that she is alive, isn't it? I'm probably overthinking it though.

"Deku, I promise I won't get any closer but could you tell us what exactly caused such a tragedy?" She started working before the words were even out of her mouth and I just really want to go home. My shift was supposed to end hours ago and I am beat. The thought of a hot meal and bath waiting for me was so tempting but here I am.

"Thankfully no one seems to be hurt and all crew members and personnel that were on sight today have been accounted for. Please direct all other questions towards the company's public relations department, I was simply a pro hero that was passing through and lucky enough to help before anything too terrible happened," again I feel like I'm just recruiting the same old lines but how long could anyone think that I can take a smile for? I mean really? When was my last vacation? No, when was my last day off?

"Deku, if I could just have a moment of your ti-," she came forward and there was a loud scratching noise that made me look up and I grabbed the woman and jumped forward so that the metal beam didn't hit either of us. I wonder what kind of metal is made out of? Or how heavy it is? Wait, no. I need to focus!

"I'm sorry ma'am but this area has not been deemed safe. Please leave for a safer area while the team in charge goes through all the proper procedures," I tell her but when I looked at her this time she looked entirely too happy for a woman that was almost crushed. "Ma'am?"

"I'm sorry, yes you're right. Maybe I should go home and lay down?" She said it as if it were a question but she didn't wait for an answer before leaving and disappearing into the crowd. Odd, very odd...

"Deku, would it kill you to come home on time just once?" I looked up to see Kacchan looking irritated but thankfully a hero team on duty arrived and took over and we were able to return to our apartment.

"Maybe we should move? Almost everyday I'm getting caught up in something coming home and I'm so tired," I grumbled but once the door was closed behind us and locked I was able to hug the handsome and strong man standing with me. "I've missed you," I whispered in his ear and I saw it flush a bright red in response. We've only been married for a couple months now but thanks to Kacchan's rigid personality and my shyness we only had a quiet wedding for our friends and family. I don't think the media has caught wind of the fact that we are even gay yet, let alone together.

"Go take a bath, good thing I wasn't finished with dinner yet," he grumbled but I heard him give me a quiet welcome home before he turned and gave me a small kiss. "If you hurry maybe I'll join you before you get out?" He gave me a cool smirk that seemed to sear my very blood.

"I'll hurry," I promised before giving him another kiss and racing off for the bathroom. By the time I was finished cleaning myself up Kacchan was opening the door to check on me.

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