She is a He 🍋

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A/N So something I've noticed is that I've never really done anything for either the trans or pans and considering I myself am a pansexual I find that to be kind of sad. I mean I've done mentions but in a world full of quirks, where there is nothing but your imagination preventing you from doing things. Why not? I have another that suits MY perception of being pan but that will be closer to the end of the month. I hope you all enjoy! 💃🏻 

"Kacchan, we need to hurry and turn the villain over to the police," I reminded my partner, it's been years since we've been working together now and sometimes things just can't be easy.

"I'm coming, let's go," he rolled his eyes and started dragging the villain behind him. We are out of erassure cuffs thanks to the craziness tonight but at least no one was hurt.

"Do you like being a man?" The villain smiled up at Kacchan and that question just put me in shock. What kind of question is that? Kacchan has only ever been a man so how would he actually know if he prefers being a man or not? But then again, what about the transgender community? They obviously know and they would have known around the time they were going through puberty but Kacchan and I are already 32 years old and-.

"Deku, shut up already! I'm not a closet trans for fucks sake stop mumbling," Kacchan's outburst snapped me out of my thoughts and I chuckled nerviously and apologized.

"Do you like being a man?" The villain asked again and this time Kacchan snarled a yes at him while the police officers were coming up with a new set of cuffs.

"Got ya," he giggled uncontrollably and I felt an urge to step back but I didn't.

"Whatever you're on they probably won't give it to you in prison," Kacchan rolled his eyes and dropped him once the police finished fastening the cuffs but when I turned back to Kacchan I yelped, the villain's giggles rising and it wasn't long before the police looked where I was too.

"What the hell is wrong now?" Kacchan asked, rubbing at his eyes but that wasn't where I was looking at the moment.

"Woah!" Both officers gasped and I glared at them.

"Look away, perverts!" I demanded and they both jumped before doing as I ordered and now Kacchan is looking at me very confused. I take off my cowl and cover Kacchan with it, confusing him more.

"How long does your quirk last and how does it stop?" I demanded but the villain just kept giggling, pissing me off. I stepped forward and the officers pretended to look away as I did. I stepped on the villain's toes, breaking at least three of them, "Answer me," I demanded, ignoring his screams of both pain and shock.

"It will last for at least a year, it won't stop before it's done," he answered only after more toes broke and I had to 'help' him back up again, dislocating his shoulder.

"A year?" I asked, my eyebrow twitching as rage coursed through me. "Do you understand why a year is bad? Fix it now," I glared at him and I smelled something rank but I ignored it. I could care less about if he peed or pooped on himself. He'll have to deal with the aftermath, not me.

"I can't!" He screamed out when my hand landed on his shoulder, probably fracturing that too. I honestly don't think that the officers are even aware that I am literally torturing a villain in front of them. The motions I am doing look far too natural and Kacchan was just watching, unable to move.

"Deku? What the hell?" Kacchan blinked several times and I groaned, I don't want to be the one to tell him. What should I do? He is going to be so pissed when he figures it out.

"He's the one that said he liked being a man! It's not my fault!" The villain shouted at me and I reached up and grabbed his upper arm to help the officers take him away and he screamed out again as I broke the bone.

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