Overdose 🍋

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A/N So it's not everyday but it will still be pretty frequent I think. Also, don't do drugs! This is fiction do NOT do this! ☺️🏳️‍🌈

I could feel my blood boiling, I feel like I'm about to explode for no fucking reason which didn't make any fucking sense because for once everyone is leaving me the fuck alone, peace. The one thing I have asked for, for so long it has been agonizing. So why do I feel like I'm about to have a melt down? It's probably been too long since I set off my quirk.

I grab my gym bag and look out my door to find the walls are still empty, I quickly lock up and head to the gym. Must be because I haven't been able to let out all of my rage when Dunce Face was driving me nuts last night. He was trying to get me to set up an account on a dating site. What did he do when he found out I was gay? He switched over to another site with barely a thought. Of course, that has to be it! I could feel my mind relaxing but my body was still pint up, sometimes my quirk is just annoying. That's all there is to it, my quirk required a minimum amount of activity and I don't mean just walking or running.

I need to set it off every so often, to let my body cycle it out naturally but the longer I go without setting it off the less I want to. Nitroglycerin is a natural mood stabilizer, doctors will prescribe it for people with high levels of testosterone which can make people, mostly men, more aggressive. So the longer I go without using my quirk the more mellow I will get, eventually this antsy need to explode would disappear, I will basically be high on my own quirk. It could be worse, I could be soaked in my own sweat for too long, reabsorbing my nitroglycerin could be even more dangerous, melloing me out would be the least of my problems. Of course there are other ways to set it off, but they are mostly dangerous and more than unpleasant for me. Doctor's also use it to increase blood flow in men. Nitroglycerin is basically a fucking blue pill but there is only one other person in this whole school that knows that and he isn't that fucking stupid to talk about it.


Going to the gym was nice, I feel a lot better. The knots in my shoulders seem to have disappeared and my mind was just so much clearer. Peace. The gym is really close to the dorms so I'll just shower in my room, then I can do what my hag calls TLC, tender loving care, and destress a little more. I'll make sure to set off my quirk for a while before bed just to be safe but I just really want to enjoy this. I could feel the smile tugging on my face as I made my way back to the dorms.

When I walked inside I found my idiots all hot and sweaty, they had gone to some kind of charity thing, it's almost a 100 degrees F out there (38C). Like I'm going out in that bullshit. Not with my quirk, the gym is a whole different ball game. I need to get stronger and not lose weight.

"Bakubro! Did you go to the gym without me?" Shitty Hair whined and I just rolled my eyes walking passed them tsking as I got onto the elevator, not for the first time thankful for the ultra efficient AC here at the dorms. From the complaints I hear from the Copycat Bastard they are not standard, we probably only have them because my sweat would literally make an unstable bomb. So there are some perks at least.

I ignore the thoughts swirling in my head as I walk to my room, also ignoring Kiri. If it wasn't for someone screaming "NO!" At the top of their lungs I wouldn't have noticed anything at all.

I spun around and found Deku pushing Kami away who was about to, from the looks of it, Pat me on the shoulder. Shit! I still need to take a shower!

"Midobro?" Kiri started asking stupid questions while I tried to hurry and unlock my door. I ignored their bickering, until I felt an electric shock flood my system making me freeze. Again I heard Deku screaming and I heard what kind of sounded a thud nearby, but I couldn't really bring myself to do anything but stand there. Kami had shocked me, probably not on purpose but the dumbass that he is, it was sent through my whole body. There were a few explosions coming from my clothes that more than just hurt but that wasn't what had my attention at the moment.

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