Bet 🍋

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A/N Okay this might be a little sappy but Happy Valentine's Day everyone! 🌈

"I wonder who is faster?" I looked up hearing Kaminari thinking out loud. The fact that he is thinking is dangerous, very dangerous. We are sitting in the common area just relaxing and he has to come up with this kind of question?

"Kamibro? What are you talking about?" Kirishima asked looking up from his phone. No doubt texting his crush about some kind of new training he found. Crush not boyfriend, Shitty Hair can't get the nerve to ask him out and I'm about to shove the two together if he doesn't get his shit together. That or maybe lock them in a room together?

"Well it's not a secret that Todoroki, Midoriya and Bakugo are the top of our class right?" Kami asked as if he were trying to be patient, which was wearing mine thin. "All three of them are super fast and during class today Todoroki lost pretty badly to Midoriya so I was wondering if Midoriya or Bakugo was faster?"

I rolled my eyes, "Of course I am. Deku uses his quirk for power not speed." I stopped, wait... He does use it for speed a lot.

"Considering the look on your face I take it that you see how you're wrong, Kacchan?" Deku giggled from over me, making me frown up at him from my seat.

"Don't try to sneak up on me Deku." I growled but I'm not actually upset. If anything? I'm kind of horny but he really doesn't need to know that. Nope, not at all.

"Right, sorry Kacchan." Deku kept giggling and I let myself smirk at him again.

"So are you challenging me to a race?" My smirk grew into a grin, we could do this even without permission. It's not like we would be fighting or anything, just running and that should be perfectly acceptable.

"I don't know, am I?" Deku grinned back and I felt my heart skip a beat. Fuck... Nope.

I stand up and make my way around the couch before grabbing Deku's arm and pulling him with me to the elevator. I ignored Kami's groan of disappointment when he saw that we were not headed outside.

Deku and I need to talk and we need to talk now.

"Kacchan?" Deku asked curiously, he doesn't stutter anymore but he still mutters a lot which drives me fucking insane with how cute he is.

"My room," is all I say but Deku just smiles at me and again I feel my heart skip a beat. Nope, not yet. If I'm going to do this, I'm going to do it right and with any luck the greenette will not just say yes. We get off at my floor and I quickly unlock my room before letting him inside.

"I'm locking the door but you can leave if you want." I tell him and see him nod still wearing that smile that was making it hard for me to breathe. I tell him to get comfortable or whatever and I start pacing the room. I see Deku sit on my bed and try to hide his giggles from me which didn't work at all.

"Okay straight to the point then," I stopped in front of him and he smiled up at me but waited silently only nodding in agreement. "I'm gay." Again I waited and Deku slowly nodded but otherwise his expression was exactly the same. "No Deku. I'm GAY." I try again and see him smirking at me again. His intoxicating giggles laced his words when he spoke.

"And so is almost half the class, including me. Kacchan, there isn't anything wrong with being gay " Sometimes I really want to throttle him but I resist because I would be lying if I said there wasn't anything I wouldn't rather him do to me.

"Deku," I lean in, my hands on the bed as I did and I could see his eyes light up. "I want you." There, I fucking said it! My heart is still pounding in my chest and it really feels like it's going to break free at any moment.

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