The Challenge 🍋

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"No," I smirked, enjoying how Deku was getting all fidgety in front of our class. Eventually he will lose his cool and everyone will finally see the Deku that I know.

"Kacchan..." he warned and I just repeated myself, our class doesn't actually know what is going on and as far as I'm concerned that is just fine. What isn't okay is that Deku is once again trying to get me to do something for the extras that I don't want to do.

The door opens and Aizawa Sensei and All Might come in and they have their own looks for whenever they see Deku and I together. Aizawa Sensei looks like he would rather a villain try to shoot him again, while All Might looks like a school kid that can't wait to hang out with the older kids, somehow we are the older kids. I know, dumb as hell but I'm just as much of a school kid in that scenario as All Might is, only in reverse so I'm not going to look at that too deeply.

"Bakugo, Katsuki," he hissed and all the blood in my body froze, both All Might and Aizawa Sensei froze, looked at each other shocked before turning around and shutting the door quietly as they left, leaving me to whatever hell I just created for myself.

"Deku?" I turned my focus to the angry greenette in front of me.

"Is there a reason you have to fight me on every little thing?" He was practically biting each word as they came out and it was not helping me to calm down. I thought about it for a minute, our classmates weren't close enough to hear us and as much as I like how cute he gets when he's angry I also like living so.

Confession time.

I leaned forward so that my mouth was next to his ear and whispered, "Because you are so cute when you try to act all innocent but you're fucking hot when you stop acting." I pulled away to see the damage that I'd done only to see him glaring at me, his eyes lit up an electric green but his face was still set.

And it is killing my gay heart to see him looking so hot. I bit my lower lip, refusing to back down from his gaze and he seemed to figure out that I was actually being serious.

"Are you serious?" Well, I guess I was too early for that last thought. I nodded and answered him anyway and he seemed to be deep in thought but I didn't leave, just waiting for him to come to whatever conclusion that he would.

"Then what if I gave you what you wanted without you doing all of this?" He asked, focusing on me again, catching my interest.

"Oh? Do you know what I want?" I teased but he still didn't back down. Instead he grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me out of class. We walked right by All Might and Aizawa Sensei who were still hiding in the hallway but they didn't say a word to stop us either. It's the end of the day and we had all been released before this whole ordeal so it's not like we were skipping class or anything.

We left the building and he pulled me all the way back to the dorms, confusing me more but regardless I followed him anyway. It wasn't until we were walking towards the elevator when Deku finally said anything at all but it only seemed to confuse me more.

"We're going to your room," he hit the button for the elevator.

"Why?" I tried to study him but he wasn't looking at me at all.

"Because you won't go to my room," he answered as if it was a fact.

"I'd rather go to your room," I huffed and I heard him grumble about me just being difficult but he changed direction anyway, leading me to his room. Once we were inside I was surprised at the lack of All Might merch, he was down to one signed poster and one plushie from when we were kids. Otherwise his room was normal.

I walked in, still waiting for him to explain what he was planning but the fact that when Round Face had tried to talk to him, he gave her the cold shoulder instead, well I'm in a good mood. Deku closed and I heard the door lock, making me spin around to glare at him. He knows for a damn fact that I don't like being locked up anywhere.

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