Wait, That's It? 🍋

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A/N Technically I didn't fail because I finished this before the new week started... Right? That's how that works? Never mind. 😓

It's the middle of the night and it's pouring outside and Deku and I were able to run into the stairwell on the roof of a building to get out of the rain for a few minutes. We are 22 years old now and full time pro heroes. I pull my mask down to wipe away some of the rain from my face.

"Fuck that came out of fucking nowhere. What the fuck?" I grumbled and Deku giggled a little as he rang some of the water from his hair before looking back up at me.

"I heard an older pro hero say that there was a four year old girl who recently got her quirk. She makes it rain whenever she cries." Deku continued to slide his hands over his body to try and get rid of the excess water.

"We are fucking lucky that wasn't yours or Aunty's quirk. We all would have drowned a long ass time ago." I rolled my eyes but he just giggled agreeing with me. I mean fuck would it kill him not to giggle? I let my gaze follow his hands as they slid along his body and the water was making his already tight suit cling to him and just fuck me please!

"What was that Kacchan?" Deku asked, looking over innocently and I coughed looking away.

"I didn't say anything, Nerd." I huffed trying to look outside to see if the surprise shower had stopped yet. Nope, that kid must still be crying.

"That's too bad," Deku whispered next to my ear. "I would have been so willing to accept that request. After we clock out of course." Deku giggled again before pulling away from me. Am I breathing right now?

Did I actually say I wanted Deku to fuck me out loud and for that matter he is actually willing? Fuck, there is a quirk involved isn't there? I can't be that lucky.

I let out a groan, "When were you hit with the quirk and when will it wear off?" I waited only to see him smile at me.

"I haven't been hit by anyone's quirk, I'm perfectly fine. Why do you ask?" I stare at him because I call bullshit on that answer.

"Really so what did I "request" earlier?" I don't believe him for a moment. If he actually heard me there is no fucking way that he would agree just like that. I mean really? So he either heard wrong or he was hit with a quirk, done.

"You requested that I 'fuck you please,' I thought it was a nice change from the normal get the fuck away from me or out of my way bit you usually do. And our shift ends in about ten minutes, so..." He left the rest unspoken, is he challenging me? Is he inviting me? Really? Am I actually upset about either of those?

"And you weren't hit by a quirk?" I asked again but he shook his head no. "You are actually fully okay with having sex with me, your old bully?"

"Ex-bully, childhood friend and current hero partner," Deku corrected, still smiling before he took a step closer. "I would be more than just willing." My eyes widened and I could see Deku smirking, but I honestly didn't honestly care.

"More than just willing?" I asked, hoping for context. Please God let there be context!

"Happy, thankful for the opportunity, blessed whatever you need the answer to be. But also, now, I'm really horny," he pouted a little before biting his lower lip as I felt him fucking me with his eyes as he obviously stripped me naked in his mind.

"And which one of those would be true?" I took a half step back because I can't hide how it suddenly got so hard to breathe. Are we running out of air?

"All of them," he took another step closer, now far closer than before he let a hand rest on my shoulder before he slid it down to one of my nipples. The wet cloth not helping at all to protect them from either the cold or Deku's touch, I let out a small moan before biting my tongue.

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