Dr. Neko

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"Kacchan!" I called out running after my crush but no matter what I do he is always out of my reach. Even when he turns to glare at me his ruby red eyes glistening in the light, that sexy smirk on his lips, his hands in his pockets, he just turns and walks away while I'm running as fast as I can.

"Kacchan!" I scream again only to blink to find myself sitting up in my bed, a hand stretched out in front of me grasping at nothing the image of him bloody and broken imprinted on my eyes and mind.

I was alone in my room, tears running down my face, I clutch at my chest trying anything I could to hold myself together.

"Everything is fine, Kacchan is upstairs in his own room, probably asleep." I whisper trying to calm myself down. It wasn't working.

I drank the glass of water from my bedside table but it only seemed to make me more thirsty. I get up and put on a shirt and loose pants making sure to clean my face before making my way downstairs. I didn't even look around, the kitchen would be empty, everyone had stayed up late and had passed out in either their rooms or in the common area. It's Saturday morning, early morning, like before dawn.

I wipe at my face again after downing another glass of water. "Why can't I ever just sleep?" I mumble to myself leaning against the sink. I rub a hand across my face trying to erase the nightmare but it really just wasn't helping. Not at all. I could feel my body trying to let out another sob but I won't let it. Kacchan would think I was looking down on him, I can't do that.

The mission last month really messed with my head, Kacchan had gotten hurt, hurt enough to stay in the hospital for over a week. He had fought and caught a very dangerous villain but when I found them, the villain was knocked out and cuffed while Kacchan...

Kacchan was covered in his own blood, wheezing as he breathed, one hand clutching at his side. It turned out that he had a broken rib and more than a few more were bruised. The reason he was covered in blood was because he kept coughing up blood even while he was fighting and he had fractured an ankle. The reason he was in the hospital for so long had something to do with how his body was reacting to the medication. Something about nitroglycerine wasn't supposed to be mixed with it?

I shook my head trying to make the images disappear but it wasn't helping. I was the one that found him. I was the one who carried his nearly limp body to medical personnel. I was the one who couldn't control their quirk after they took Kacchan away from me, leaving me alone and covered in his blood.

"Kacchan," I whispered his name, fighting the sobs that continued to try and force their way out.

It's not like he is still in the hospital or anything. He is fine, he has been attending classes and fighting during heroics classes. For anyone else it would seem like he was just as determined as before to be the number 1 hero.

But I can't stop seeing the blood.

I haven't been able to hang out with my friends or any of my other classmates since the event. I have had an excuse every time. Everything from going to visit my mom on the weekends to internships or other training after school. There was even one day that I volunteered at the pet shelter! Although to be honest that actually seemed to help a little bit.

"Maybe I should volunteer at the shelter again?" I mumbled, it really did help. Being able to help people pick out their new little fur babies or helping the vet hold the larger dogs or more fearful cats while they treated them. The ones that had been there for a little longer were more relaxed and would rub up against me. Okay maybe I spent more time with the cats than the dogs but they were so cute and cuddly! Even the scared or angry ones. I was scratched by one but after it had time to calm down it licked the scratch trying to make it feel better. Yeah I like cats.

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