Mumbling Deku pt 2

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A/N I'm super excited about this one you guys. Well really what comes after this one. Also just like the first part it is heavily implied that they have sex. There is a part 3 to this. I'll update that tomorrow though.💃🏻

Kacchan and I were already at the bus stop when the question of how we were going to explain ourselves to our parents came up. It's not like we have been dating or anything, hell we weren't even particularly NICE to each other. Add to that, I'm pretty sure Mom already knows about my crush in the first place.

"What are we going to tell Mom about us?" I turned to Kacchan while we waited for the next bus.

"She didn't tell you about her boyfriend, let's see how long they were dating before now to judge. I would like for us to go on an actual date before telling people though," he looked at me, hesitating a bit. "I would prefer a few but you can choose."

"I was thinking about a month or two, with several dates," I smiled back at him and our bus arrived. He grabbed my hand and we paid our fare before finding a couple seats.

"I like that idea," he whispered in my ear, making me grin. When we got off the bus we decided to take a detour through the park to help us clear our heads.

"Whoever it is, do you think they know about Uncle?" Kacchan asked almost silently and I stopped in my tracks.

"No, I think we are the only ones that do and I haven't told anyone, have you?" I held his hand and started walking again.

"I don't have a death wish," he rolled his eyes and I couldn't stop myself from giggling. I don't think there is a soul alive more afraid of my mom than Kacchan and I and he has me beat.

"Ready?" I asked, looking at my house way up ahead and he used both hands to rub at his temple as if to try and ward off the headache we both know is coming.

"No, but let's go," he answered and when we arrived I opened the door.

"Mom, I'm back! Kacchan is with me!" I called out only to find her in the kitchen.

"Toshinori called and said you two were coming, I got so excited I made far too much food," she laughed, smiling at us and we exchanged looks.

"Toshinori?" Kacchan probed and we sat down at the table ready to listen. "Would that be the boyfriend?"

"All Might?" I added, the only person I know with the name that I have seen with my mom, ever.

"Well I was going to wait and tell you after I asked you how you would feel about it. But I guess I never got the nerve to ask," Mom answered, that's not a no. My mom is dating All Might, my hero and mentor.

"Does he know about Dad?" I asked instead, Kacchan held my hand under the table where she couldn't see and we both saw her flinch at my question.

"I don't think your father was ever brought up," she hummed sadly, turning back to the stove and Kacchan let my hand go.

"Then you're not serious about him? I thought you must really like him to bring him up," I tried probing again.

"No I-, I really like him. He just never asked and what can I even say?" She turned her back to us while she finished cooking.

"Inko, Dear?" We looked up to see All Might coming in holding flowers and a nervous expression on his face while he looked at us. I frowned at him and I swear I saw him flinch.

"Young Midoriya, Young Bakugo," he paused, not sure what to say and as excited as I would be if he actually married my mom, I'm not going to let my hopes get up. He doesn't know about Dad after all so Mom must not really like him. I took a deep breath before blowing it out slowly.

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