Excuse the Fuc*? 🍋

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*Trigger warnings* This might hurt to read. Kind of lemon? Sort of. Switch implied. You'll see what I mean. 🏳️‍🌈

"Kacchan?" I call out but my vision is so blurry I can barely even see his explosions. It has to be him, it has too. "Kacchan?" I called again.

"WHA-!" I heard him stop midway through, he must have seen me. I know that I have to look terrible, we've been fighting villains for over an hour and the fight is finally just now getting cleaned up but that's not why he would be shocked. No, there is a large piece of rebar sticking out of my side while I'm laying against some concrete that a villain managed to smash me into.

"Kacchan please," I am having so much trouble just staying awake right now.

"I'm here, Nerd. I'm here," his voice sounds strained, okay maybe I'm worse than I thought I was.

"Take OFA," I reached a hand out trying to grab him but I only found empty air. He must have come closer. I heard his voice as bad as everything around us was, he still came to me.

"No, I'll take you to the guys in medical and they-"

"No time," I cut him off. I could feel myself drifting and I don't know if I'll wake up again. I don't know if I ever will.

"Deku, no. You can't leave me, not like this. We just..." I heard him choke and a small smile came to my face.

"I love you so much," I whispered trying to reach him again, this time I felt his hand grab mine. "I always have and I always will, Kacchan you are the greatest."

"No! Don't leave me! Never leave me," he was angry I could hear it in his broken voice.

"Okay Kacchan, I won't leave you. But take it just in case. You can give it back when I'm better. Please?" I can't chance One-for-All being lost forever. Kacchan knows the secret and he can at the very least find a worthy successor. "Please, I'm so tired."

"I'll only take it if you promise to wake up again," he whispered his lips right next to my ear.

"I promise," I turned my head and kissed him. I only need to give him my DNA and a kiss should work just fine. Half way through the kiss I felt somehow empty, good. That should mean that it worked.

We broke apart panting but not because the kiss was heated, no the kiss was light and sweet and if I were to really die now I could die without regrets. I finally told him. I told him I loved him but he had me make a promise and I always keep my promises.

"Take care of me Kacchan, I'll wake up if you are with me." I slowly closed my unseeing eyes. Did that last blast blind me? Guess I'll have to find out when I wake up.

"I've got you, I'll stay with you no matter what," his voice was fading out like he was getting further away but I could feel him picking me up, rebar and all. It hurt so much but at the same time not at all. I wonder how that is?

I could feel myself fading in and out as time passed by. Kacchan talking, demanding treatment, at one point I could feel myself laying on a bed with what I'm sure were a million sensors and needles on me but I couldn't really feel them at all, just the soft bed. Every now and again I would hear Kacchan talking to me, mostly about our friends or how the fight turned out.

Turns out I was not the only one seriously hurt but I am the only one still getting treatment.

"Nerd, you have to wake up soon. I have something I should have told you a long time ago," I hear him whisper and suddenly I don't feel so alone anymore, his fingers intertwined with mine. All I could do was squeeze but at least he noticed.

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