Morning After 🍋

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A/N Again sorry for the late update for a Time Changes Us, I plan too update a second chapter on Monday to make up for it but until then maybe a little teaser of a oneshot? Who knows, maybe I'll make you giggle. 🤭 Please enjoy my fairies and heroes! 🌺

Warmth, it's the only thing I want. Well I guess that's not true either. This feeling of just being whole as the sun lazily drifted in through the window, the covers pulled up wrapped around me tight. I could hear a train off in the distance so I must have left a window open last night so I could also hear some birds chirping, this is nice.

I wiggled down finding arms wrapped around me but I didn't give it much thought. I must have brought someone home from the bar last night and considering how great I feel they must have been amazing. I must have drank way more than I thought because I don't remember too much after fighting with Deku but I don't have a hangover so at least there is that.

The arms around my middle tightened and I could pretend that it was actually a lover holding me tight in the early hours of the morning. I couldn't help stretching but the arms only adjusted to me so I turned around to face them but kept my eyes closed.

Just a few more minutes, dear All Might please. Let me pretend for just a few minutes that it is him holding me, that I was finally able to get over my stubborn ass and tell him how I actually feel for once in my life.

I feel the arms pull me closer and smile at the thought, easily snuggling into the man and when I feel soft lips gently touch my forehead, I smile even more. I could hear myself hum as I cuddled into him. Pretending.

His lips met mine and I smiled into the kiss letting myself enjoy this small sense of peace. The kisses didn't end, they were kept soft and light and I was even starting to giggle whenever he would sprinkle a few around my face before returning to my mouth again.

"My nerd," I mumbled, knowing that whoever it was wouldn't really know who I was talking about. Even after they left they wouldn't be able to do more than claim that they slept with me. Sure they could make up wild stories but they wouldn't really have anything to stand on with it and no one would believe them.

I heard my pretend lover hum content with the title and when their kisses stopped I just started sprinkling him with my own, snuggling under his jaw while I did. His giggles made me smile, how long can I get away with keeping my eyes closed? How long can I keep this small sense of everything?

His giggles were getting louder, his mouth obviously open and smiling at the sweet touches before I finally decided it was time to return to the real world.

I pulled away and took a deep calming breath, reminding myself that whoever it was, I was probably the one that dragged them here while drunk and horny.

I opened my eyes; soft, dark green curls, sun kissed freckles, big round eyes with dazzling green jewels sparkling back at me and a cute smile aimed at me and only me.


Deku is in my bed, not just someone that looked like him but he, himself. How?

"Do you want to be here?" I asked slowly, not entirely sure how I should react but knowing better than to jump on top of him.

"I wouldn't be here if I didn't," he smirked at me. Fuck, he knows I don't remember last night doesn't he?

I slid closer, letting my arms reach over his shoulders and he lifted his head so that he could lay on one of them comfortably. That is a good sign, right? It has to be!

"Is it okay for me to do more of the things I did before I opened my eyes?" I asked cautiously, I'm close enough that I could start covering him in kisses again but what if he didn't want me to?

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