Need to Talk 🍋

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A/N I think by now you all know that communication is key but it can be hard sometimes still. 💃🏻

Cold. The chilly coolness was starting to radiate, seeping into me. My knees and shins were first, the cold ground, icy, that I'm on was unyielding and now they are kind of numb thanks to that but I can't get up. I close my eyes again.

Warmth, right in front of me, easily overtaking my senses so that the discomfort in my legs were mostly forgotten. I just want to drink it in, to pull it closer to take in my fill. I shuddered, fingers tickled my scalp, easily threading themselves through my hair. I want more. I hummed, trying to give a voice to this feeling but no words seem to actually help. I don't know what to call this overflowing peace and contentment, this overwhelming calm in my head space.

"So good," I heard the words from above me but when I opened my eyes I could only see my tears blocking my vision. It's just so much. The cold hardness below me, and the warm softness in front of me then there was the airy emptiness behind me, chilled. I don't want that. I never want the emptiness.

I lean further forward into the warmth. "Ah," his gentle voice hummed for me, making me want to do it again so I did. I love to hear it, such a soft noise that purrs and growls, vibrating into my soul. I can't stop. "Take it, anything you need, take it," I heard him, his voice sounds so very strained, not weak though. I pull the warmth closer only to hear the sharp intake and feel as his fingers tightened their hold on me, lightly scratching. He was trying not to rush, trying not to push but because of that, all I wanted to do is pull him closer.

It didn't take long before I was rewarded and I moaned out my thanks while I took it all in. More. I want more. I closed my unfocused eyes and rested back on the legs that were still complaining of the cold only for the warmth in front of me to pull away too.

I let out a whine, not at all ready to give it up and I heard his sweet chuckles from above me. "It's okay, if you want it, take it," he soothed me and the warmth was back again.

Now that I think about it I am sore, really sore. My knees were practically screaming at me and my legs were telling me that if I were to try and stand they would refuse but even so I can't complain. No, the most sore was my jaw but that especially was more than okay. I don't want it to stop.

"So good," I heard him sigh again, his voice was raspy, a bit raw like he was straining himself but he made no move to stop and that only made me want to do more. I reached up feeling the scarred flesh above me and the noises that followed were just as beautiful. "fuck, yes," I hummed again and felt his nails scratch me and a simliar noise came from my throat. Oh, yes. I don't want it to stop. Never.

Thirsty, I need to swallow so I do. My drool and spit mixed with the bitterness as I swallowed what was left. I could feel him shuddering while he gasped above me, warmth spilled into my mouth again, letting me swallow it greedily. I want more, the way his voice rose while I drank had me open my eyes again but thanks to the pressure I still feel the tears haven't disappeared yet.

"Kacchan?" I heard him beg, pulling me back to the here and now, making me focus on just him instead of what I was doing. "Kacchan?" He was gasping, his whole body shuddering to the point that even his quirk was crackling around him.

"Hmm," I hummed not letting him go and he gasped in response to the vibrations. The fact that we were technically in the middle of a mission be damned. We had set up camp using a cave and thankfully just in time before a blizzard had rolled in. Deku had used his quirk to pick up a giant boulder that he placed in front of the entrance to help keep out the cold, leaving plenty of air holes while there was a fire crackling behind him. We had our camping gear out and I was kneeling on a sleeping bag while he stood in front of me, his cock in my mouth.

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