Kacchan <3 pt 2

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Kacchan’s POV
It’s been a month since we came out so flamboyantly and Aizawa Sensei is still looking at us as if we are aliens. I rolled my eyes at him but didn’t say anything. Deku and Icyhot were sparring and Shitty Hair was sitting so close he was basically in my lap and I just put an arm around him so we wouldn’t be uncomfortable. 

Surprisingly we have gotten more intimate with each other even though we didn’t originally have an interest in each other. I mean he is my best friend so it was only reasonable that we would get more comfortable after agreeing to this polygamist relationship. We of course prefer one over the others but from what I have seen none of us ever got mad or even jealous if another one of us was cuddling with them. 

Like now, Deku had kissed Kiri before running off winking at me while Icyhot who was cuddled around me gave me a slight squeeze and kiss on my neck before leaving with him for their match. All Might didn’t seem to actually care, in fact Aizawa Sensei seemed to confuse him much more than we did. Even now I could see him looking at him utterly confused as to why he was still watching us. 

It’s the middle of winter and graduation isn’t that far away but the fact that Icyhot was more than happy to keep me warm while we were training was sheer perfection. I mean I kind of assumed one side of him ran hotter than the other but other than when he was using his quirk he was generally warm to the touch all the time and I hate the cold. 

Sadly however, since we brought Nezu into the whole coming out bit we are not allowed in each other’s rooms for obvious reasons and with our parents all being homophobic we haven’t had much alone time. Yet. 

Their match ended with Deku barely taking the lead and Kiri and I pulled them in for cuddles as soon as they came back up. The rest of our class stayed far, far away. But whatever, today is friday and we are going to Icyhot’s house because his father is the only one ‘trying to be better’ and hasn’t made him homeless. It’s a good thing that the school has the dorm system and tuition was nonrefundable or Kiri and I would be screwed in the worst way. Poor Deku though, Aunty keeps refusing to acknowledge him at all and at this point she acted like she didn’t have a son at all. 

So we are going to Icyhot’s house because his sister absolutely loves us, or so I'm told. 

“All right class that’s all for today! Go change and get ready to go home!” All Might called out and I stood up and stretched a bit. Icyhot’s arms snaked around me almost as soon as they could, he likes touching. Not in a weird way, although I would love to let him, but hugs, handholding, kisses on the cheek or hand. Any kind of sweet touch at all and I was the least reserved about public displays of affection. Another reason for us to be grateful for Nezu, our parents weren’t able to pull us out of classes now that we were all 18. 

“Ready to see the new All Might movie?” Kiri asked and we all cheered, thankfully All Might wasn’t a homophobe. Actually he has me wondering if he is asexual because he doesn’t show an interest regardless of gender and relationships seem to confuse him altogether. Well except for his father-like love for Deku that is. He would have been a great dad. 

We quickly got dressed and when we got to the dorms we changed before meeting at the doors and going to the movies. When the film ended we were all still crying over the fact that All Might’s friend had died at the end but the city was saved and just yeah, we cried. We cleaned our faces in the restroom before Endeavor sent a car to pick us up. I never really thought about riding in a limousine before. It’s kind of nice but a bit much but since there were four of us it really was more comfortable this way. 

His sister and older brother greeted us and when his sister threw her arms around me I froze and just looked at Icyhot, like what the hell am I supposed to do here? He laughed at my confusion and so did Deku, when she let me go she did the same to Kiri so I found out she was just really touchy feely. I think the whole family is touch starved to be honest. She had a whole fucking feast made out for us and Endeavor was actually here and just how uncomfortable he looked was entertaining but he never said anything. 

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