Well Wishes 🍋

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I feel warm, comfortable and just relaxed. I want to sink into this comfort snuggle under the covers and just forget the rest of the world for today. At least today, can we just stay in?

I open my eyes to find his scarred arms wrapped around me, holding me close. His soft breathing tickled my ear while soft snores soothed me. How in the hell did I get so lucky?

I carefully turn, making him grumble in his sleep but he doesn't wake up. Once I'm facing him I cuddle into his neck and I hear his sleepy giggles but he still doesn't wake up. Bright sunlight is flooding into the room through our sheer curtains and I'm reminded that we are both off today. Sweet early morning cuddles and a locked apartment door are very much within reach if I choose but I also know that we have plans today.

He really wanted to go to the opening of the All Might museum and they even asked him to make a speech for the ribbon cutting tonight but that's not until tonight. Even if we go during the private tour beforehand we still have most of the day to ourselves.

"Fuck, I'm horny," I groaned, trying to bury the desire but it's not helping. Deku's strong jaw and chin are right in front of me, a little stubble decorated his face making me reach for my own face to find it in much the same way. His dark viridian green locks bounced at the slightest movement, while his large thick muscles held me close to him. The skin on his arms and hands were still marbled with scars but they have softened over the years and I like to kiss them. He has gotten so strong over the years and it is mouthwatering.

I'm not small, really I'm not. It's just that Deku is so big that he dwarfs me and while we are in bed I am more than okay with that. My body is slim but well toned, making it much easier to reach harder to reach places but I'm more than strong enough to get back out too. Unless I don't want to, like now.

Deku was curled around me, hugging me to him and I personally love to sleep like this just as much as he does but right now I don't want to sleep.

My hands lightly explored him, his toned muscles were so strong but with the skin resting on top it just felt soft to the touch, his body gave for me and me alone. I pressed my fingers in, gently massaging him while I felt him up. His abs, his sides, his back and ass, I don't want to stop and I know that I am only working myself up more.

"Fuck, I need to stop. He is already so tired," I sighed my thoughts out loud and resolved myself to just go to the bathroom.

"Kacchan?" He asked, his voice thick with sleep cutting right through me, as if I wasn't already turned on enough. His hold on me tightened and I saw him frown when my body didn't form to him like he wanted. He opened his eyes and found me facing him, he let me go the moment he did though, probably afraid that he was hurting me or something but I just let out a small moan at the feel of our bodies sliding against each other.

He looked confused before he looked down and under the covers to find the state that I'm already in, and I'm not alone. He is just as hard if not harder and it is taking every ounce of self control that I had not to beg. That didn't stop me from stretching up and kissing him though and his response was exactly what I wanted. His arms tightened around me pulling me close and as our tongues slid into each other's mouths he slowly climbed on top of me.

"Kacchan?" He begged, pulling away only to breathe out his question. The fact that my name could be a question is outlandish and a bit crazy but I can't help the moan that escaped me, his sweet touches were driving me crazy.

"Yes," I gasped my answer, my arms around his neck and my legs on either side of his hips, his cock sliding against me making me realize I was already slick. No wonder I woke up so horny, we never cleaned up last night and we didn't use a condom so I've had his cum irritating me all night long.

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