Are you sure it's not a Dream? 🍋

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A/N Top Deku. ✌️

"OH FOR FUCKS SAKE!" I jumped at hearing Kacchan scream across the room but he quickly got quiet and it really looked like he was about to tear Kirishima in two but Kirishima was smiling the biggest smile I have ever seen. 

I let out a sigh and turned my attention back to my phone; scrolling through the different hero news networks. It was just the three of us in the dorms, everyone else out either on internships, or visiting family for the weekend, usually a few more are here like Todoroki but he signed up for extra internship shifts. 

I jumped again when I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I was reading about a new hero that saved a bus full of kids when the brakes had gone out. I looked up with a smile already plastered on my face. 

"Sorry, how can I..." I stopped, Kacchan was sitting next to me and he looked so pissed. 

"Nerd," Kacchan started but Kiri cleared his throat loudly and I heard Kacchan cursing under his breath before he looked back at me. 

"Izuku..." I stopped breathing, has he ever used my first name before? Ever? 

"Would you please..." Kacchan paused again and I swear I was going to pass out. Kacchan said please? To me? 

"Help..." I gasped, I had to breathe, I am getting too light headed. I think I'm going crazy. There is no way Kacchan is asking me for help!

"OH FUCK IT! Deku I love you. Go on a date with me?" He was angry and red and he looked away so fast I could almost pretend that I didn't see it. But I did. 

I stared for several seconds but he ended up snapping at me to "fucking hurry up!" making me laugh nervously. 

"Sorry Kacchan, usually I wake up before now, that or fast-forward." I rub the back of my neck still expecting the jolt from waking up too early during one of my favorite dreams. 

I watched Kacchan freeze up and a sexy grin slowly formed on his face. "Oh? And since you haven't yet, tell me your answer." 

I smiled happily and leaned straight into his arms, wrapping my arms around him. His face blushing and I could see panic in his eyes but at the same time it looked like he was enjoying himself, "I love you too. But usually my dreams cut to the..." I paused but Kacchan actually leaned his ear towards me and I whispered, "bedroom." 

Kacchan's face turned bright red almost as soon as I said it. Making me giggle, "That's the face I like to see." I don't know when I fell asleep but I have been extremely frustrated and pint up for far too long. It's been a while since I indulged in a fantasy of my long time crush. 

"Now?" His voice was barely audible and the pure shock on his face was a new development, but I like it. It made me feel like I was his first, maybe even his only? But this is just a dream. 

"Is that okay with you?" I asked before I leaned forward as if I were going to whisper in his ear and instead I just blew a little, I saw his already pink skin darken. 

"Yes!" He squeaked and stood up, almost knocking me over before he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the elevator. I saw him look back towards Kirishima a few times but when I looked Kiri was already looking away as if he had no idea what was going on or that anything was happening at all. 

I followed Kacchan into the elevator, and when he started to reach for the button that led to his room I reached past him and hit mine instead. I gave him a very different smile than what I usually would and I watched as he seemed to swallow his own spit, but he didn't fight me on it. 

We got out of the elevator and I quickly led him to my room. I pulled him inside before locking the thing and made sure to slide the big thick bolt at the top. I still don't know how Sero and Kaminari managed to get a key to my room but waking up once covered in shaving cream was more than enough, thanks. 

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