Villainous Intentions 🍋

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"Enantiodromia," A kid no older than fifteen was cackling so hard it hurt just to watch. "And I just hit you with my quirk! I was planning on working WITH heroes but somehow this is so much better!"

"Hey, Midobro. What does Enantiodro something or other mean?" Kirishima asked and Deku just smiled while shrugging. We both know exactly what it means but like hell we are going to tell a hero wanna be. Police came and took him away and paperwork was filed accordingly but no one gave much thought about the quirk anymore. After all Deku and I were acting just like normal and it's not like there is anything they should be concerned about. Right?

Wrong. Enantiodromia is a word that means to make something it's opposite. Like hot becomes cold, wet becomes dry, a hero becomes a villain. Deku and I caught sight of each other and grinned before turning away again before we were caught. It took what felt like forever but eventually we were all released to go and since it was Friday, Deku and I were going home. Well as far as they knew anyway.

Once it looked like we lost everyone we made a run for the slums. A particular bar to be precise, we ran for the roof across the street and kept watch. I don't know how the pros keep "losing" the League of Villains. I mean they end up back in the same bar over and over again.

We watched and saw the blood girl and the guy with blue flames walk around back and I have to wonder if the teleporter guy was on strike because they would have never been found if he used his quirk all the time.

Several hours went by and our phones vibrated to show a special news bulletin: The heroes in training Dynamight and Deku are under the effects of a dangerous quirk, making them do things they would otherwise never do. Be on the lookout and call for any nearby hero or police station to report them if you see them. The quirk; Enantiodromia, is described to have been able to turn them from heroes into villains. DO NOT ENGAGE WITH THEM ALONE!

We chuckled reading the report but we ended up putting our phones on airplane mode so that they wouldn't even alert us to emergency news. The fact that we both had around fifty missed calls and hundreds of text messages, well we ignored that too. It didn't take the heroes all that long to get the villain from earlier to confess, he probably couldn't help himself and was bragging but it's too late now anyway.

As any good villain would know, you either have to have a good relationship with a rival villain or take them out and since All-For-One wants us dead already, well it's time to take out the trash. But I'm bored out of my ever loving mind. The lights were on and it was clear that everyone was up and present at the moment and as much as we would love to take them out head on, we aren't fucking stupid.

Speaking of fucking...

"Oi, Deku?" I hissed and he looked over, easily just as bored as I was. The villains had dragged in some nobody villain and were currently torturing them because they gave away plans to the heroes and it wasn't anything that we didn't know already.

"Want to fuck? I'm bored and horny," I motioned at the stairwell here on the roof and I swear his eyes lit up a toxic neon green. Instead of answering he jumped up and grabbed my hand before basically dragging me to the door. We found it locked but it was easy to break with my quirk and when we were inside we destroyed the camera's too before locking the inner door and blocking the outer one.

"Blow me, I didn't bring any lube and it's going to fucking hurt if I go in dry," he hissed, his pants coming undone and I easily got on my knees and took him in. His hands tangled in my hair, he didn't bother to warn me when he was about to cum and I didn't mind. The fact that he didn't let me go afterwards told me that he had zero intention of walking away now and I like what I'm doing now.

"Fuck, Kacchan, you're good with that mouth of yours," he mumbled, pulling me closer and he came again. I moaned at the compliment, but after only a minute or so he pushed me away.

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