Why Sensei? 🍋

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A/N I didn't realize almost all my stories were Top Deku... I'm not sorry. ✌️

"Ahh! Deku! FUCK!" I quietly moaned out still in my own world when I finally came. I took a few breaths to calm down before cleaning up my mess. I've been so pint up lately that I couldn't even be in the same room as him without making an ass of myself.

I turn around and sit down on the toilet and try to calm myself down. "I'm such a fucking ass," I groaned while rubbing at my face. How can I even start to think about Deku on top of me when I won't even let him near me?

It took a while but I finally relaxed enough to leave the stall and wash my hands and then my face. Breathe Katsuki, only a few more hours in the same room with him and then you can run back to either your room to hide or Kiri's to simp over the green eyed angel.

What the hell would I do without Kiri? He barged into my room while I was VERY busy with nothing but a vibrator. I really wish we could have pretended that day never happened. Now he wants to share his feelings all the damn time. I get it, he has a thing for Icyhot. I really didn't need to know that.

I looked up and after making sure there was no evidence about what I just did, left the restroom only to find Aizawa Sensei standing outside, he nearly gave me a heart attack.

"Hurry up, I'm about to assign homework and you need to be there this time," he sounded tired but for some reason I have a very bad feeling. I follow him to class and he assigns the homework. What the hell?

Aizawa Sensei stands in front of everyone and he is actually smiling. "Tonight's homework is to write about your favorite hero and the one thing that you hate about them." The grin on his face just grew as he looked around the class and I swear that his eyes locked on mine for more than a second before he added, "It is to be a partnered assignment and I will be picking your partners. So everyone listen carefully to who you are being assigned to," I stopped listening. My bad feeling is growing.

I listen to the names he rattled off; "Todoroki and Kirishima, Uraraka and Tsu, Kaminari and Shinso, Bakugo and Midoriya," did I hear that right? Did I actually hear that right? I turned my head a little and saw Deku, his normally tan features were now very white and his eyes were wide open. Of course he hates this, I have been nothing but an ass to him for a long time.

"Now," Aizawa Sensei grabbed all of our attention again, still wearing that sinister smile. "The project is due on Monday and since today is Friday, no other homework. BUT" He cut off the cheers from my classmates before going on. "But there will be no extensions and yes grammar and spelling will be graded. I am also ending class now so that you all have time to go to the library to collect whatever research materials you'll need."

Why in the fuck is this actually happening?

"Bakugo and Midoriya stay after class," Aizawa Sensei demanded before dismissing everyone else.

When everyone was finally gone and it was just Deku and I standing at his desk waiting he smiled at us making me wonder what in the actual fuck I did to piss him off this time? Whatever it was, I am truly sorry.

"So after last week's incident," he glared at me and I looked away. Ah, that, I might have exploded in the gym while fighting with Deku. It might have been the kind of explosion that may have sort of blown an actual hole in the UA security system and we were on lockdown for three days while they fixed it. BUT to be fair putting that in one of the gym walls? Not the smartest idea in the world.

"You both are not only going to do the assignment," he smiled at me and I felt a cold chill go up and down my spine. "You are going to be living together. Bakugo you are going to be staying in Midoriya's room until Monday, you have exactly two hours to get all of your things out of your room and into Midoriya's. Then I will be there to get the room key. When they are done with repairs you will both be moving into Bakugo's room, they are taking the room next to it and combining the two. No, I will not listen to any more arguments." He interrupted me before I could actually say anything.

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