Dive 🍋

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A/N I don't know how I should say this but ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ I'm probably going to hurt your heart. 💔

My head hurts but I'll be fine. It's just another day and the mission didn't really take as long as expected so that is a plus. I've already been cleared by medical and as always they tested to make sure that I wasn't hit by a stray quirk and I am in the clear!

I let myself stretch a little coming out of the locker room but other than a few people yelling out hello no one really had time to stop and talk. I already turned in my paperwork from the mission reports and it's been a week since I've been home so it was fine to go get groceries and do a little light cleaning. Who knows maybe I'll even get a bit of time to relax tonight? I can hope can't I?

I walked down the street and it wasn't until I was halfway through the grocery store by my house that I realized that I was getting enough for two again.

“I really need to stop doing that,” I sighed but all I did was look at the hand basket not willing to actually put any of it back. Forget it, I'll just make enough for two meals so I only need to cook once.

I looked back in the basket for another minute before letting out a sigh and continuing on again. Ever since Mom passed away I've been so lonely but I don't have the heart to move out of the house now that she is gone. I just can't. The thought of just leaving for somewhere far away is tempting, some days more than others but still, I'm here.

I was halfway home when I heard someone calling out my name, my actual name. I looked up confused until I saw Aunty waving to get my attention and I saw Uncle with her letting me smile for the first time since leaving headquarters.

“Aunty, Uncle it's been so long,” I hugged them, happy just to see their familiar faces.

“Izuku you've grown so much! I thought you were only gone for two weeks?” Aunty teased me and I just laughed. She complains about me growing too fast every time I see her but I think she keeps thinking of when I was little, before going to UA. She saw my bags and I know that she knows that I still bought enough for two people instead of one. I really can't shake the habit.

“Izuku, Masaru and I are making a barbecue for dinner, why don't you join us tonight? Go put that away for tomorrow and get cleaned up and you can help fire up the grill,” Aunty started making plans as if I already agreed and Uncle just chuckled and nodded at me in understanding but I could tell that he really did want me to accept.

“We would love to have you,” he added when Aunty paused to breathe and I laughed a little.

“Okay, I'll be over in a little while then,” they gave me more hugs and I was sent on my way again. Knowing Kacchan he is probably on a mission, the last that I knew, he was in America. Not that I'm any better but I need to stay close enough to take care of the house but when I do get sent overseas Aunty and Uncle are usually happy to keep an eye on things for me. I think they like to stay over once every couple of months because they usually go a little over two before asking when I'll be leaving again. Kacchan is constantly going to other countries and I can't blame him, any time I go I can forget for just a little while. We all miss her so much.

It was a bright day, the skies were clear and the sun was shining even as it sank slowly further down with each passing minute. I wonder why it is that I'm only just now noticing how pretty today is? I turn to leave my room but see an old notebook on the bed side table. The notebook Mom found just before she died. No, I can't think about that.

It will be dark soon and I had to stop myself from just walking in and actually knocking on the door. They prefer for me to walk right in but there was once that Kacchan was here and only in his underwear and that would be okay if at the time he wasn't hard. Aunty and Uncle were not home and he had just woken up so yeah. That mental picture plagued my fantasies for a long time, something I really didn't need at the time, not with everything that I was going through.

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