The L.A. Mission Video

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A/N You'll want to read the short story before reading this. Inspiration was the video in the screenshot above. I highly recommend watching it to see how Dynamight and Deku were dancing.

3rd person POV.

The heroes Dynamight and Deku are in a hospital waiting room not wearing shirts and are making out in the waiting area. The pro hero Red Riot keeps trying to talk to the hospital staff about getting them admitted due to someone slipping something into their drinks while they were out.

Red Riot has very little information to go on but the camera clearly picks up Red Riot saying; “HE CALLED ME-!” He regained control of his voice and stopped yelling. “Dynamight called me and told me he needed me to pick him up. He and Deku were probably drugged and needed to go to the hospital. What more do you actually need to know?” He was slowly losing his composure again.

“How does he know that they were drugged?” The woman asked and Red Riot threw his hands in the air.

“DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CAN ASK HIM THAT RIGHT NOW!?!” The crimson hero asked, motioning towards the two hot and bothered men. The nurse was not the only one looking either, the whole room had eyes on the two men as they kissed, giggled and caressed each other, all while whispering in each other’s ears.

The men were topless but you could easily see that there had been something on them, be it sweat, oil or something else entirely the only ones to know would have been themselves if either of them bothered to look or even think about it. Their muscles prominent as they flexed, gently wrestling each other as they pulled each other close.

The camera dropped showing a teenage girl maybe 17 years of age, blue hair and silver eyes, her face brightly flushed before she quickly bent down to pick up the camera and again pointed it at the men in question.

You can see Dynamight and Deku’s tongues as they deepened their kisses, thankfully the youngest person in the waiting room was probably the girl holding the camera, or at least that’s all anyone could see.

Red Riot turned bright red and ran over yanking them apart again, “BAKUBRO YOU ARE SO GOING TO KILL ME TOMORROW BUT YOU CAN’T BE DOING THIS!”

“Get the fuck off of me Shitty Hair,” Dynamight slurred before he sent an explosion easily just as big as Red Riot’s head in his face making the redhead stumble back and fall over. There was a trickle of blood coming from a cut by his eyebrow that was not there just moments before.

“Bunny?” Dynamight whined and Deku shook his head not entirely sure where he seemed to be before he dived back into Dynamight’s arms.

“Yes Kitty Kat?” The green haired man giggled and anyone with ears could hear the deep throated purr coming from the blond explosion hero.

“I want you,” he moaned, only to be cut off by Deku pushing him over and pinning him down on the floor before he smashed their lips together again.

Red Riot stumbled back up again before pulling the men apart again, this time getting thrown across the room with nothing more than a flick of Deku’s hand, green electricity crackling around him.

“Fuck off Shitty Hair, my husband can do whatever the fuck he wants to me,” Dynamight was purring  only for Deku to hum happily.

“Bro!” Red Riot coughed up some blood before wiping it away again. “Husband? YOU’RE NOT MARRIED THOUGH! I don’t know why you think you're married but you are not!” Red Riot was exhausted; you can tell through his movements that something wasn’t right. He was clearly limping but he got up anyway and pulled the two apart again but this time he was holding an All Might postcard in front of them and they were finally distracted from making out again. Red Riot limped back over to the very pale reception nurse who was quickly pulling out paperwork to admit the two very drunk and out of it heroes.

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