Dragonborn pt 1 🍋

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"Sensei? What is going on?" Deku asked and I looked up just as confused. We were summoned to Nezu's office and All Might, Nezu and Aizawa Sensei kept looking at us as if they couldn't believe we were actually here. There was a long silence.

"If you don't have anything to actually say then I'm leaving," I rolled my eyes and turned around only to freeze.

Standing behind me was Deku wearing something odd, but he was just in front of me a moment ago? I turned my head to see my Deku again wearing shorts and a white t-shirt that said sleep on it only to turn my focus to the one in front of me that was wearing something out of an old time renaissance convention or something.

"Wow Kacchan, he looks just like you," the one in front of me whispered but his voice was tilted or something, it didn't sound quite right.

"The fuck he does, look at him. He is tiny," I heard my voice and turned to see myself. I was practically topless, wearing fur, a red cape thing and something like leather pants. There were several necklaces around his neck with what looked like jewels and teeth, maybe claws?

"What in the fuck? Who are you calling tiny?" I demanded but then he stepped forward and I had to take a step back. He was huge. Like not nomu level big but like All Might big, just tightly toned and slender, my Deku was still bigger.

"Maybe from a couple years ago but he isn't that much smaller than you Kacchan. I would guess that he is 18 at least," the other Deku rolled his eyes before turning his attention to the Deku that was now beside me.

"Hello! You must be the me from this world, I am Midoriya, Izuku but Kacchan calls me Deku. Although please don't call me that, it only leads to trouble," the foreign Deku introduced himself, actually holding out his hand to my Deku and I stepped in front of him not liking it. I don't like this shit at all.

"Kacchan, be nice, he, or I, whatever it is, is just being friendly," my Deku pouted and I frowned.

"Yes, because fucking Toga isn't actually a problem or anything?" I snorted while still keeping Deku behind me and glaring at the foreign Deku.

"Oh?" The me not wearing enough clothes smirked, stepping forward. "You have the fucking blood sucker too? When the old guys said there weren't any dragons here I thought I was going to be bored but if vampires are here then at least I'll have something to hunt."

"Ah Kacchan, they said they don't really have anything like vampires either. You weren't listening were you?" Foreign Deku sighed before trying to pull the other me away.

"Vampires and Dragons are real where you're from?" My Deku asked excitedly before diving into a bunch of questions about them and foreign Deku just as excitedly answered and started asking about the machines that we have here.

"Never mind, it's the Nerd," I groaned and turned my attention back to the other me. He was larger and his muscles were more dense, it was clear that he used them but the foreign Deku was smaller than my Deku which had me eyeing him for a little while.

"Why are you so small?" I finally asked, circling around the foreign Deku, not paying the other me much attention.

"Oh, uh because I'm just human? I'm not one of the dragonborn like Kacchan. They are usually larger and live with the dragons," The little Deku answered, smiling a bit embarrassed. "But I am still kind of small. I was really weak when I was little, I got sick often and if it wasn't for Kacchan I would have died before I would have been able to meet my instructor, the great Hero Might of All."

I could hear our teachers snickering at All Might's expense while he tried to hide behind his hands.

"I am really good with the sword though, but they tried to take my blade from me. OFA really didn't like that, after all it is a living weapon and only the chosen can wield it," Foreign Deku explained before pulling out what I can only describe as a broadsword.

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