Suspicious Recovery 🍋

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“What’s this?” I asked politely, a girl from class C had run up holding out what looked like a test tube vial with a cork on it. The fluid in it was a dark purple and it looked like it had stars in it, like a little mini galaxy, very pretty. 

“My quirk,” she said proudly and now I’m smiling awkwardly at her. What am I supposed to do with this?

Kacchan however rolled his eyes and snapped, “Are you almost done? We are supposed to meet All Might for training.”

“Just a minute Kacchan,” I tried to keep the peace but the girl just looked even more happy.

“If you two drink half of it, it will make your dreams come true,” she smiled brightly and now I’m even more confused.

“The fuck?” Kacchan now looked at the test tube thing in my hands as if he never saw it before.

“Only half, any more will just make you very sick and as it is you’ll need a few days to recover after drinking it so I suggest a weekend that you don’t have any plans!” She sounds so happy that we are listening to her but there is no way I’m drinking this. It’s too shady even for another student of U.A.

“Why in the fuck would we just listen to you? How do we know you’re not trying to poison us or some shit?” Kacchan had zero reservations about telling her exactly what he thought about all of this and I couldn’t even scold him. I agree, this is very suspicious.

“You can just take it to Recovery Girl, she knows my quirk well,” she smiled happily at us but the creepy sensation is not going away.

“What exactly is your quirk?” I asked now trying to stay polite but it is getting harder.

“I call it Sweet Dreams, but the important part is that it helps you to realize your dreams,” is it possible for her to smile bigger? “Oh! Of course it won’t work if you are scared easily, sometimes people are more scared of their actual desires than they would have ever known.”

“Ha! Am I scared?” Kacchan barked and I sighed before thanking the girl. I still won’t drink it but she is just trying to be nice.

“Also both halves have to be drunk within a few minutes of each other or it will make you terribly sick,” she called out as she walked away and once she rounded the corner I reached out to throw it away.

“The fuck?” Kacchan snatched it before I could drop it.

“We both know that this is suspicious. Why would we drink it?” I looked at him curiously, it’s not like he would react like this.

“Let’s just go to Recovery Girl, if it’s not poison then let’s do it,” he had on a wicked grin and then grabbed me by my backpack and dragged me to Recovery Girl’s office. But why? Why would he even consider this unless…

“Hey some random extra gave this to us,” He handed the vial to Recovery Girl and she sighed when she saw it.

“I’ll mark you both excused from classes for the rest of the week,” she sighed, leaving us both very confused.

“What the hell is it?” Kacchan demanded and Recovery Girl rolled her eyes.

“I’m sure that Henata already told you what her quirk does. It tends to make the drinker’s quirks more powerful but that is only a slight side effect. It actually makes your bodies stronger, it would be particularly good for Young Midoriya, his bones would get much stronger and it would heal your ear drums making them much more resilient to loud noises,” she wasn’t paying much attention to us but now we were both looking at the vial like it was precious.

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