Who Would Fall for Their Friend? (DT17)

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Anonymous asked:

Out of the ducktales family who would fall for their platonic darling (like idk Dewey lets say when he was younger he was yandere for his platonic darling but now he's older he falls for his platonic darling?) Hope this makes sense🔥?

Romance is a topic they don't mind chatting about with their friend, but the mere mention of it from anyone else is disquieting. They are puzzled by none of their admirers meeting their standards, oblivious to the fact that these criteria more or less demand a carbon copy of their friend.

Dewey Duck, Della Duck, Drake Mallard.

They had never viewed their friend in a romantic light, but strings of failed romances lead them to reconsider the nature of the friendship. No matter how charming the potential suitors, they find themselves dissatisfied and frustrated. Venting to their friend inspires a peculiar sense of guilt, and they can't help but wonder if they would have the same issues in a relationship with them.

Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera, Steelbeak, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck.

Their friend is the only person who doesn't corrode their patience and infuriate them with their very presence. Romance is possible but won't happen naturally. The other person would have to make the first move.

Jim Starling, Gyro Gearloose.

This isn't true in all cases, of course. It depends on the dynamic, point in the timeline, and the circumstances surrounding the origin of the romantic attraction. If it was accidental (ex. Misconstrued "I love you", pretending to be a couple for a F.O.W.L. or S.H.U.S.H mission, coquettish jokes), they may dismiss it after the fact.

Or they may cling to it and pursue the imaginary relationship with ruthless determination. Either way, it would not be wise to play with their emotions and find out.

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