Mr Wolf, Mr Snake, Mr Piranha, Mr Shark, Ms Tarantula (Plat. & Rom. Headcanons)

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TW: Mentions of Violence & Murder, Implied Stalking/Cyberstalking, Mention of Robbery, Emotional Manipulation, Toxic Mindsets.

A.N. - Yippee-Ki-Yay.


Each member of this criminal gang thinks of themselves as the unspoken favourite, and their methods for proving it can either work well together or end in chaos. Ms Tarantula crashes a stock market of their friend's choosing while Mr Shark hands them a push pop so they can cool off and watch Wall Street panic at the same time. The real conflict begins with Mr Piranha dubbing himself the favourite as soon as their friend says anything positive about him, which is seen as a challenge by Mr Wolf, who steps in to call himself the favourite because he introduced the friend to the rest of the group.

Mr Snake broods in the background of most of these contests, only getting involved when one of his teammates or the fighting itself is hijacking his time with their friend. He seizes the opportunity to ask them if they want to hunt guinea pigs together and deliberately chooses a spot far away from the other members. The rest of the crew finds him anyway thanks to Ms Tarantula's skill in tracking their friend through surveillance cameras, but if anyone doubts him, Snake blames the guinea pigs for running away instead of admitting that he did not want any chance of someone else coming along.

Mr Wolf enjoys prying into their friend's personal life and making jokes about the information he receives to ease suspicions. It is his way of being prepared for anything that they may say or do to get out of a job, and if he catches them in a lie, Mr Wolf exposes it where his comrades can listen and add to the peer pressure. Even though Mr Piranha and Mr Shark tend to trust their friend without much difficulty, Mr Snake is a cynic. Plus, Ms Tarantula has their personal information on file, so she can fact-check any story they give.

If their friend is seeking to deny any involvement with the crew, its members conspire to make this as difficult as possible. Mr Wolf tosses a stolen pearl to them from the window of the escape car, Piranha does not stop waving until the car turns the corner, and Tarantula probes the traffic cameras to plan each crime around when they will be present. Shark chats about life with their friend when he is supposed to be undercover or on the lookout for security, which results in a balagan on the comms as half the team tells Shark to focus and the other half asks questions about what their friend is doing.

Snake is of the mind that their mutual friend should be the one reaching out to him, but he will not be stopped by police sirens or a blaring alarm when he has something to say to them. He is rather mean-spirited, especially when he feels betrayed, so Mr Snake is not above public humiliation by way of tossing a piece of evidence at them that places them under the suspicious eye of the law. Crushing their reputation until they have to resort to crime to pay the bills is his fallback plan, one that his teammates come to support before Mr Wolf has a change of heart.


Despite his cantankerous attitude towards their partner interacting with people outside of the crew, Snake is ready to threaten and bully whoever fails to give them what he considers their due. Piranha is equally poised to attack others for doubting their partner and evoking any kind of negative emotion in them. However, Piranha's impulsiveness and Snake's hostility have led to many unnecessary fights and close calls.

A common situation would involve this: Snake eats someone for jaywalking in front of their friend's car and nearly causing them to crash. Piranha cheers for him in the background, while Mr Shark performs the Heimlich maneuver on Snake to force him to cough up the latest victim. Mr Wolf then charms their way out of another attempted murder charge, schmoozing any witnesses and first responders just long enough for Tarantula to wipe the camera footage.

Piranha believes that they are privy to his inner thoughts and assumes that anything they say or do in his presence is directed at him. He either forgets or does not understand why this may affect how they react to him sprinting at them with a handful of flowers still wet from the vase he broke. Along with Mr Wolf, Mr Piranha is the type who likes to take the microphone from Tiffany Fluffit and repeat a special message to their partner on national television while bags of stolen money are draped over his back and Mr Snake is shouting at him to get in the car.

Governor Foxington condemns the Bad Guys' actions in public, but in private, she advises Mr Wolf to stop the chase and argues that he and his team are jeopardising their own redemptions. While their partner is swimming in bad publicity and cannot turn the TV on without hearing Rupert Marmalade bash them for being an alleged accomplice to the Bad Guys, Mr Wolf holds a team meeting. He discusses how to win their partner's loyalty and takes suggestions that include everything from bribing them with gold bars to robbing their place of employment until they seek alternative work.

The bait is taken in an unexpected way when Chief Luggins jumps at the obvious connection and issues an APB on their partner, charging them with conspiracy to commit grand theft and calling for their arrest. Piranha and Shark are infuriated by the news and start plotting an explosive jailbreak within seconds of hearing it, but Wolf and Tarantula urge their teammates to pursue more subtle methods. Snake is bitter about the fact that their partner has not officially joined the team and suggests that the crew should let them sit in a cell for a few days.

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