McDuck-Duck Extended Family (Platonic Headcanons)

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Anonymous asked:

How would a Nibling reader handle Della and Scrooge along with Donald and the triplets? They all would definitely have some different ideas of how to keep her safe and make themselves the favorite.

Warnings: Bribing for Affection, Favouritism Among Family Members, Possessiveness, Overprotectiveness, Emotional Manipulation, Toxic Mindsets.

It is hard enough to be a member of the McDuck-Duck extended family with all the complicated relationships, but being the favourite of so many makes it that much worse.

The nibling most likely lives with Donald on the houseboat. He prefers to be the chaperone on any trip outside the boat and goes as far as to forbid long-distance journeys.

Della takes immediate offence at this and claims that adventure is to the mind what water is to the body, and she is happy to whisk the nibling away on an adventure without getting Donald's permission. Adventures with Della range from riding with her on the Cloud Slayer to visiting the Moon goddess Selene.

Scrooge agrees that a little fun in life is healthy, and he tells Donald to be more lenient lest he discredits himself as a guardian. Even so, Scrooge dislikes being excluded from the adventure and demands to be included in the future. He worries that his nibling is vulnerable without him.

Gladstone feeds into the attitude of "whatever the nibling wants, the nibling gets." Whatever is wanted, Gladstone purchases the most expensive and glamorous version. It comes through express delivery with a signed card so that no one forgets who bought it.

He is proving his superiority in the gift-giving department, and it irritates Donald to no end every time the mailman knocks on his door with boxes of designer clothes and a new sports car in tow.

Fethry wishes to show his nibling the wonders of the deep blue sea. He either calls or arrives at the house unannounced, asking his nibling to come with him to the underwater laboratory without telling anyone else.

Gladstone occasionally gets in on this and gives Fethry and his nibling a ride on the Gladyear Blimp.

There have been several instances where the rest of the family panics because of this and scrambles to recover their nibling. The lack of communication on Fethry's part leads Scrooge and Della to blame an imaginary kidnapper, while Donald is the first to suspect his cousins.

As Scrooge and Della interrogate familiar enemies such as Glomgold, Donald phones his cousins and makes arrangements to track them down if neither of them answers. The triplets overhear Donald's plan and wear down his patience until he lets them tag along.

While aboard the Gladyear Blimp, Gladstone treats his nibling to drinks, snacks and all the amenities his luck can buy. Fethry displays his jars of krill and talks about Mitzy, as sharing his interests is his way of bonding with his nibling.

Scrooge chastises Gladstone for his careless indulgence of their nibling's whims, arguing that Gladstone is teaching the wrong values and encouraging laziness. Gladstone contends that he is helping his nibling live the good life.

Scrooge counters this by offering his nibling a room at McDuck Manor, where he promises to teach the ways of how to become a self-sufficent bilionaire.

The triplets want to join each outing their nibling takes, and Dewey suggests that they become stowaways should their request be denied. Louie acts as a distraction for those who arranged the trip, while Huey orchestrates the whole scheme.

None of the older ducks are bothered by this, except Donald when his nephews' courageous spirits and knack for attracting danger pull his nibling into an adventure. Della welcomes her kids onto the Cloud Slayer and acts like her nibling is one of her own.

Family reunions are a catastrophe of desperation and passive aggression. Della is itching to sweep her nibling into the cargo plane and set off on the next adventure, which results in Donald arguing with her and trying not to let his nibling out of his sight at the same time.

Fethry has little to no sense of competition, choosing instead to follow his nibling around the area and share oceanic facts.

The triplets compete with each other over who gets to spend what amounts of time with their nibling.

Scrooge monologues about how he acquired his vast wealth in the hope that his nibling will want him as a mentor, and Gladstone periodically interrupts him to hand his nibling a jewel he found on the ground.

As the reunion comes to an end, everyone offers the nibling a place with them for a while. Whoever is chosen will take great pride in it and, except for Donald and Fethry, will flaunt it when the others are nearby.

If the nibling decides to live alone, each duck protests against the decision. A compromise is eventually reached that involves having one member of the family visit every day, but the nibling is allowed to choose who it is.

Choosing to live with someone outside of the family leads to a long-running showdown. This person becomes the target of resentment and envy, which manifests itself in Donald having a furious outburst if they so much as irk his nibling in his presence.

Scrooge joins Donald in belittling them if his nibling ever gets upset with the person. Scrooge insinuates that this fool is inept and undeserving of his nibling's time, while Della keeps urging her nibling to follow her on an adventure and forget about everything else.

Gladstone insults this new roommate in that covert sort of way that sounds innocent but is truly malicious. Fethry continues to visit his nibling no matter how late in the day it may be and regardless of whether the person knows who he is.

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