Flippy/Fliqpy (Platonic & Romantic Headcanons)

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Warnings: Implied dissociation, mentions of violence, death, implied PTSD, mentions of war, toxic mindset.

A.N. - One of the more tragic cases.


Even though he completed his tours, a part of Flippy never left the battlefield. The presence of his friend provides a level of calm and comfort that, while not eliminating the threat of flipping, increases his stress tolerance and cognitive clarity. This break from paranoia is negated as soon as they leave his side, and Flippy attempts to search for them before the next trigger overtakes him.

Any threat to his friend's well-being is neutralised with the utmost haste and hostility, leading to a dangerous environment for other residents. The loss of their health, especially if severe or accompanied by loud noises, guarantees an appearance of Fliqpy. Once his friend calls for help or appears immobilised, the veteran mentally reenters the war and deems every other living being in the area a foe.

When he is not under the influence of Fliqpy, Flippy is a loyal and kind companion whose tendency to hallucinate and inflict violence is reserved for extreme circumstances. The uncontrolled aggression exhibited by his other self is traded for protective alertness towards his friend. He relies on them to initiate most outings, for his fears of an ambush have made him a bit of a recluse.


Fliqpy was originally an identity created to help Flippy cope with the traumas he endured in the war, serving as an ostensibly independent consciousness motivated purely by the desire to survive. He acts without restraint or fear, both of which endangered Flippy more than they assisted him in the chaotic minefield of war.

However, civilian life's demands for conformity and obedience have rendered Fliqpy a vestigial menace that outlived his purpose the day Flippy returned home. He is the part of Flippy that sees enemy troops in the faces of neighbours, hears gunfire in every pop of a balloon and bang of an engine, and thinks the sight of blood is a sign that the Tiger General is nearby and looking for a fight.

When his partner interacts with another, the slew of negative emotions that would generally follow is transferred to Fliqpy. Small tensions arise in Flippy, but the bulk of his rage is suppressed until it exceeds his vigilant mind's ability to subconsciously contain. Blanks in memory follow an abrupt awakening to the scene of death. Flippy is haunted by a sense of helplessness that only breeds more anger, believing that the war has irretrievably stolen his peace.

The protector in him emerges if his partner is injured or finds themselves in an untenable situation. News of a robbery by Lifty and Shifty or an unwanted exchange with a town resident draws his more ferocious side to the surface, and Fliqpy is inclined to view his partner as a comrade in need of aid.

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