Izzy Moonbow (Platonic & Romantic Headcanons)

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TW: Toxic Mindsets.

A.N. - Izzy is my favourite G5 pony, and I'll be doing some more of the cast.


All the no's in the world do little to convince Izzy that her friend may not share her unyielding devotion to the relationship. Rejecting an offer for a slumber party at her cottage means that they have a surprise planned, and any assertions of otherwise only cause her anticipation to grow. Hostility is merely them in a grumpy mood that has nothing to do with her and will pass if she is patient, a process that can be hastened by her designing them a new friendship bracelet and entertaining them with funny stories and tricks.

Izzy desires to have the relationship be as free of ambiguity as possible, for she views the expectation of unbridled and indiscriminate communication as the key to the long-lasting friendship that she craves. While not motivated by malicious intent, her execution of this wish is flawed in that the unicorn wants to experience every aspect of her friend's life alongside them and is confused if they do not want to do the same with her.

Unless it is glaringly false, Izzy believes every word that her friend tells her. Whether the information is positive or negative, she is not the best keeper of secrets and is inclined to repeat it to anyone who asks. If others comment on any discrepancies, Izzy defends her friend's innocence and, if the truth becomes obvious, claims that they must have been confused or misled.


Romance is not a common subject of thought for Izzy. The idea of a romantic relationship first occurs when she notices her discomfort at the sight of her partner taking an interest in another pony or vice versa. This insecurity stems from the fear that they will choose to reserve the dominant slice of their time for others while gradually condensing her presence in their day, and the need to thwart this perceived abandonment urges Izzy to shower her partner in ways that her companionship can benefit them.

Izzy's affectionate tendencies are exacerbated to the point where there is scarcely a moment to spend alone. Because of her habit of assigning guilt to herself when she encounters conflict with her partner, she never holds a grudge against them or seeks to undermine their happiness as a form of revenge. Izzy supports all of their endeavours with reckless enthusiasm, hoping that doing so will encourage them to include her in every bit of personal news and deter the relationship from becoming stagnant.

Ever affable, Izzy is prone to assisting past a reasonable extent and enabling any unhealthy behaviours that her partner may have. She is opposed to confronting or accusing them of wrongdoing, for the result that comes to mind is them insisting that she has betrayed their trust. The unicorn's vivacious streak and reliance on her partner's company lead to her yearning for fresh experiences that reveal unique methods of bonding and develop fulfilling memories that strengthen and lengthen the relationship.

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