Johnny (Romantic Headcanons) (Sing 2016)

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TW: Toxic Mindsets.

A.N. - The calmest member of the singing troupe. Can anyone guess who the worst one would be?

Johnny is a sensitive soul, not prone to violence or extreme measures. He is fundamentally compassionate and accommodating of his partner's wishes, prioritizing them over himself even to the detriment of his goals. While he desires their support and views an endorsement of his musical dreams as the most wonderful gift, Johnny retains a passive demeanour towards any disapproval or rudeness that his partner may express. The last thing he would do is retaliate against them, and in the face of potential competition, his solution is to withdraw with the intention of not impeding their happiness.

The gorilla monitors his own behaviour and is careful not to smother or appear inconsiderate. Johnny restrains his actions around his partner to maintain the image of availability. He wants to imagine himself as a positive and meaningful influence on their life, wishing for them to seek his company and regularly enlist his help with projects or problems. If they reject his assistance, Johnny is quick to dismiss the subject and redirect the spotlight to his partner as he frets over how he might have upset them or made a mistake.

For all his steps towards emotional maturity, Johnny does suffer from an unhealthy coping mechanism in the form of repression. The domineering attitude of his father has discouraged him from being honest if the situation implies that honesty would breed conflict and resentment. He avoids disagreeing with his partner and is cautious about mentioning topics that may incite an argument, which leads to him periodically distancing himself until a significant amount of trust has been established.

His criminal background is something he would prefer never to be known to them, for he fears that they will either see him as a wimp for only wanting to sing or consider him an irredeemable delinquent. Johnny tries to focus every conversation with his partner on their life and interests. Even if pressured to discuss himself, Johnny continues to be self-effacing and tends to exaggerate their accomplishments while minimizing his own.

Music serves as the ultimate outlet for his emotions, teetering closer to discordant power ballads when he is frustrated and energetic melodies when he has a favourable interaction with his partner. Despite singing being his lifelong passion, Johnny is hesitant to perform where they can hear him. If they were to ever catch one of his performances before a great degree of camaraderie exists in the relationship, Johnny would be overcome by embarrassment and attempt to disguise and deflect attention elsewhere.

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