Scourge the Hedgehog (Platonic & Romantic Headcanons)

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TW: Mention of Death, Implied Violence, Emotional Manipulation, Toxic Mindsets.

A.N. - Enjoy this giant poster because finding a high-definition screenshot of this guy is like searching for sunlight at the bottom of the ocean.


Under the benign rule of Anti-Jules, Moebius was a sedentary and quietly decaying land. The price of establishing a decade-long peace arrived in the form of a neglected son, whose acquired cynicism allowed him to see the cracks in his father's vision. Scourge is a prolific instigator of chaos, steering his universe into a torrid and oppressive dystopia after contributing to the ambiguous death of its former king.

Scourge carries a malevolent type of bitterness through the day, one that masquerades as a surplus of confidence but betrays a compulsion to mould whatever earth he touches into a reflection of his dissatisfaction with his life. The would-be king chases an impossible catharsis with the attempted subjugation of his friend, viewing them as more than a servant and a little less than a companion.

Scourge is protective of his perceived status as their favourite person. Rather than any profound interest in the well-being of his friend, something which he minds only to the extent of their willingness to follow him, Scourge is driven by a need for reverence from all dimensions. Praising a trait that he undeniably lacks, such as the power of flight, is a breeding ground for envy, and he attempts to rob anyone who possesses it of the offending trait.


Scourge, riding the folly of pride, does not discriminate between unavoidable obstacles that must be answered and petty challenges where the reward is fodder for his ego. Little is required for him to feel deserving of redress, as this alternate Sonic considers himself a god to the unmemorable, feeble crowd. Not addressing him first in a group or commending another's abilities when he has similar skills is treated as a call for more explicit demonstrations of his proclivity for vandalism.

A lack of early fulfillment has left him with a thirst for instant gratification, a craving that partly manifests itself in his history of flings. While these inclinations do not completely vanish with the introduction of his partner, Scourge retains a much more personal attachment to them and reacts with brutal hostility to potential admirers.

Scourge indulges in a robust amount of hypocrisy, thriving on how much mayhem he inspires on any given day while demanding utmost respect from those he torments. His main selling point is freedom from the need to obey the law, promising to enrich their life in all sorts of criminal ways and deflect any accountability. The benefits are, aside from encouraging self-destruction, conditional on their nonstop loyalty and affection.

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