Buster Moon (Romantic Headcanons)

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TW: Implied Stalking, Toxic Mindsets.

A.N. - With just a few days remaining, I'm wondering which of these is going to be my final piece of 2021.

For much of his adult life, Buster is a showman of little means who struggles to keep the Moon Theater afloat and only succeeds in doing so by telling the occasional lie and committing the odd crime. The passage of time and the obstacles that come with it do nothing to lessen his passion, for Buster is accustomed to diligence and a positive attitude being the answer to any difficulty. He refuses to entertain the idea that his partner will never return his affection to the same degree that he provides it and dismisses such notions as those of a quitter or cynic.

Many of his early attempts involve the gifting of plastic flowers since he cannot afford the live variety, homemade sandwiches that he discards until he finds a flavour they enjoy, and small pieces of jewellery after he spends months saving money. Before the relationship has existed long enough to establish mutual trust, Buster wishes to keep his restricted budget and living situation a secret for fear that his partner will deem him incapable and therefore unsuitable for a courtship.

In Buster's optimistic view of the world, rejection is the stepping stone to acceptance. He is, at first, devastated by the experience and prepares himself for it the next time, but after that, it gradually bothers him less and less until he is treating it like an average part of the conversation and continuing to propose meetups. He strives to sweeten the deal with offers ranging from VIP tickets for his theatre shows to reserved seating at Les Calmars that he purchases with Eddie's money.

The koala tends to see only what he wants to see when pursuing a goal, and his quest for his partner's admiration is not once viewed as a lost cause no matter how desperate he has to become. Whether by inquiring directly or giving passers-by a brief description to learn if they have visited a certain area, Buster develops a general understanding of his partner's schedule and waits to surprise them with a bouquet that he snatched from someone's yard. He hopes to catch them in a good mood and does not think about how his behaviour may appear, preferring to introduce his latest gift or dinner reservation first.

Every morning, Buster awakens to ask Miss Crawly if his partner has called the theatre in search of him or admittance to a show. He repeats the question throughout the day and whenever he steps outside for any reason. If he knows their home address, the showman tries to make the relationship as enticing as possible by promising to have limousines drive them to and from the Moon Theater. He takes great pride in seeing them in the audience, as the theatrical arts are his lifelong pursuit and securing their approval of his creation deepens his belief that he need only try harder to win their favour.

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