Darkwing Duck | Drake Mallard (Platonic & Romantic Headcanons) (DT17)

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WARNING: implied violence, toxic mindset.

WARNING: implied violence, toxic mindset

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Wishes to prove his heroic status. Drake is plagued by a feeling of invisibility when in the presence of his friend. Everywhere he looks yields someone more successful than himself, and he begins to doubt whether he deserves their companionship. This desire to assert his importance results in seeing problems where there are not any and pursuing reckless methods of captivating their attention.

Idolizes his friend. They are one of the first people he informs of his alter ego because he believes it will earn their respect. To fail them now would be unforgivable, but to harm them is utterly despicable. Any criminal who breathes in their direction reaps a midnight visit from Darkwing Duck.

If only his idea of a villain did not extend to the theoretical and include mundane misconduct, then maybe so many of their friends would not be in the hospital for cracked ribs and broken legs.


Has grandstanding down to a science. Drake is possessed by the need to thrust forward his accomplishments because he believes it inevitable that his partner will think ill of him unless he drowns them in tales of his greatness. The notion of abandonment horrifies him and inspires a degree of panic that pushes him to boast and make outrageous claims about his abilities.

Will reveal his identity. Considering how often Drake raves about Darkwing Duck to them, his partner most likely has some suspicions. He enjoys the mystery of the anonymous hero role, but when they praise the vigilante for rescuing them, the duck underneath struggles to keep his mask on.

Darkwing Duck serves as a vessel to Drake's more illicit impulses, and he always comforts his partner later as himself should it upset them. Where one identity fails, the other has an opportunity.

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