Camp event pt.2

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I did a thing!! 👆

"Y/n, Grimm what are you doing here?" Marcel asked.

"Were the recorders, master photographer Grimm and his Assistant will take the best pictures of you failing," Grimm smirked.

"I requested them," Mr.Crowely said as he appeared out of nowhere. " They will be taking photos to be recorded for the future. Know any questions?"

Cotton quickly rose her hand as a question came to mind, Crowley quickly pointing to her. " What is a Photo?"

"Alright let me rephrase that, Any important question?" Crowley asked again.

"Wha-," " How rude," The twins growled.

"Oh, and Mr.Vargas the ghost of the mine happily assist you during your camp," Crowley said.

"Good,  know before he head to the site, here is your first task," Vargas pauses," Is to set up your tents."

"Is that it? But I'm tired, we can just use our magic," Ace smiled as he and pulled out his pen.

"STOP RELYING ON YOUR MAGIC!!" Vargas shouted. " We will be confiscating your phone and magical pens. You can only use your knowledge and muscles to pass the missions."

"Do any of you know what any of that stuff he listed?" Ferra asked Marce and the twins.

They simply shook their head, though they were very confused why the other kids were so down when they had to hand over their metal slab, and magical writing tool.

"Without the aid of the magical pen to absorb the dangerous substance, blot will appear on you with every spell you use," Vargas explained. " The blot will affect your mind and body."

"Blot?" Marcel asked.

"Ah yes, you 4 have cursed that pledges you, well blot is like that bust the over effect is so severe and is fixable," Crowley explained simply.

"Well, the Twins are no longer under the thumb of the curse anymore. from what Y/n has explained that even after coming back from "overblot" people are still capable of overblotting again. So this blot never goes away," Ferra stated.

"while in our case, when we reach our "overblot" that is a point of no return. Our mind and body are transformed and taken over by Evanora. Though there are rare cases like the twins who managed to fight back and win back their minds, break free from Evanora's curse forever. So now the twins basically can use all the magic they want without having to worry about Evanora ever again," Marcel explained.

"So lucky," Epel awed. 

"Well, That is an even bigger incentive to not use your magic willy nilly then," Vargas said simply. " I expect a lot of effort from all of you, especially you 4. Know lets head to the camp."

The sports clubs and the 4 transfer students quietly followed their teacher into a wide clearing in the forest. Vargas only gave his students  60 minutes to set up a tent that he has brought for his students. So the NRC students got to work and grabbed all the tent materials they needed and spread out in groups all over the field. The four other world students stared at the strange colorful material and hesitantly picked it up and wandered to the farthest edge of the clearing and set up shelter. 

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