☁Ortho x Young!Reader

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"So you created all of Ortho's body parts and forms?" Ichika the sakura witch asked in awe.

"Yeah, Isn't my brother so cool?" Ortho gushed.

"I don't know why you came to my dorm Ichika," Idia sighed.

"Crowley wanted you to check out these blueprints for something he wants you to make," Ichika said as she handed Idia some papers.

"Why can't you do it, you seem to be able to create things," Idia groaned as he looked over the plans.

"Well I can bring things to life, but I can't create machinery as you can," Ichika Smiled simply.

"You can bring things to life?" Ortho asked in awe, " How?"

"Well I usually need dirt plants and rocks, and I give them form life in a way," Ichika said slowly. 

"Cool, I wanna see that!" Ortho said as he dashed out of the lab room.

"Was he serious?" Ichika Asked.

"Most likely," Idia said quickly.


And As Idia said, Ortho quickly came back with a bunch of leaves, sticks, rocks(Gem/type), and clay. So with a sigh Ichika moved and placed the items in a human shape, as she covered the leaves, dirt, and branches with clay as she formed human features. Slowly Ichika formed the hair out of the Gem/type stones. When Ichika was finished forming the body, it looked like a young girl around Ortho's age.

"and know for the finishing touch," Ichika smiled as she placed her hands over her heart.

Ortho and Idia watched closely as  Ichika pulled a small orb of right from her chest and placed it on the lifeless doll's chest. They consumed the doll as the magic completed the doll, making it look like a normal human minus the crystal hair that is. Ortho leaned in closer to watch the doll slowly open it's E/c eyes.

"Hello there, welcome to the world," Ortho welcomed excitedly.

The doll simply smiled back at the robot boy in fascination. 

"So what can it do?" Idia asked.

" Well I can't program her to do things adiabatically, they will have to learn over time. Like any other giving being," Ichika explained.

"Why don't you try to get up?" Ortho asked the doll.

The doll slowly sat up as it tried to stand on its two feet, only to wobble and tumble forward. Ortho gasped as he quickly dove to catch the doll before it could face plant into the ground. 

"She's kind of wobbly isn't she," Ortho commented.

"Well she did just come to life," Idia said.

"She will learn how to be a human soon," Ichika said as she helped the doll up.

"So what are you going to name her?" Ortho asked excitedly.

"I'll name her...Y/n," Ichika smiled.

"Y/n, It's nice to meet you Y/n," Ortho smiled.

The cherry Flower Witch (Twisted wonderland x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now