💔Riddle X servant!Reader

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Along time ago in the Kingdom of roses, lived a young ruler whose name was Riddle Roseheart. And by his side was his loyal maiden Y/n. In the kingdom, King/Queen Riddle was very strict and his unique magic was something to be feared. He was always accompanied by his loyal servant and childhood Friend Y/n. Her unique magic allowed her to disguise herself as anyone as she pleases, so Riddle would entrust her with special tasks. Throughout the whole country and kingdom, Riddle was called the crimson tyrant, and many would avoid angering this strict ruler.

So it was only a matter of time before everyone had enough, and one day try to take Riddle from me. I won't let that happen, Riddle, I will happily lay down my life for you. Why? Cause...

I am your loyal servant,
and you're our country's queen.
Us, a pair of pitied Friends,
burdened by our destiny.
Let hellfire consume me,
if that's what must be done,
I will gladly play the part,
so that you may shine, my sun.

On the day the two of us
were brought into this world,
The bells gave their blessings
to us friends, a boy, and a girl.

In the garden, a young Riddle and Y/n smiled happily as they played in the bright sun. Y/n smiled as she placed a flower crown on riddles head, and slowly curtsied to her future King/Queen. When suddenly Riddle's mother came outside and grabbed his arm, while other servants took Y/n away in a carriage.

"Wait don't go!" Riddle Cried out.

But for reasons that we were
too young to understand
We were separated;
I could no longer hold your hand...

Riddle cried and cried in his room in the castle as the feeling o loneliness took over, but his mother made him study day and night to distract him. Y/n far away in a small cottage too studied and learn how to do chores to one day serve the place as a maid.

If the whole world plots
to extinguish your light,
If they find the need to
make you break and cry,
Don't you worry, dear,
I am right by your side.
So just smile for me;
it'll be alright.

And soon the day came when Riddle became King/Queen and was presented with a new staff of maids and servants. Even though he recognized his friend, he did not show any favoritism and held her by the same rules and schedule as everyone else. Though he did personally select her to be his personal maid. Yet Y/n didn't mind this new Riddle, she was just happy to be by his side again.

I am your loyal servant,
and you're our country's queen.
Us, A pair of pitied twins,
burdened by our destiny.
Let hellfire consume me,
if that's what must be done,
I will gladly play the part,
so that you may shine, my sun..

While running errands in
the country to the east,
I ran into a fair man
with hair of deep green.
His smile and his voice, to
me were sent from up above
Something moved in my chest;
You might even call it love.

"I'm so sorry are you okay?" Asked the man with a clover mark on his cheek.

"I-I'm fine thank you," Y/n stuttered as the handsome man helped her up.

But we know all good things
must come to an end,
It is my queen's orders,
the boy must repent.
I will grant your wishes
if that's all I live for,
So then tell me, my sun,
just what caused these rains to pour? 

Tears ran down Y/n's cheek as she stood over the corpse of the prince Trey. With a heavy heart, she snuck her way back to the castle to report back to her King/Queen.

I am your loyal servant,
and you're our country's queen.
Us, a pair of cursed friends,
bound to bloody destiny.
"Your highness, a strawberry tart
will accompany your tea."
And you clapped your hands with glee;
so innocent and sweet...

Riddle nodded with a smile as he happily ate the meal his friend had made for him.


Soon the kingdom had enough of Riddle after the attack on the Kingdom of clovers of the east. So a rebellion started, at the head were two knights, Ace and Deuce.

It appears that soon this
the country will meet its fate,
Torn to pieces by its people,
crumbled under their hate.
The masses claim that justice
will be brought on us today,
But I won't see it through;
they will not get their way.

Riddle watched from his room as the angry mob poured into the castle, fear slowly crept into his heart as he began to pace back and for in his room. Suddenly the door opened to reveal another Riddle and Cater Diamond, another servant from the Diamond kingdom.

"Y/n what are you doing running around in my form, they might kill you," Riddle gasped as he grabbed his friend's hands.

"Listen now, my dear,
give your clothing to me.
You and I will switch,
and away you must flee.
You will be okay, we are
twins, don't you see?
They won't know, now dear,
don't look back and just leave."

The fake Riddle smiled as Cater quickly cover the real King/queen in a peasant's cloak. Riddle quickly caught on to what was happening as he demanded that Y/n simply escape with Cater, but Cater simply hoasted Riddle over his shoulder and ran out of the castle. 

"NO STOP! Y/N!" Riddle cried out as he watched his friend be apprehended by a Red and Bue knight.

I am only the double;
the true queen runs free.
Us, a pair of broken twins,
damned by cruel destiny.
If the devil's your lord,
as the masses curse your name
Then, I'm a demon too,


Long ago, there was a
kingdom ruled by a queen
At that time the two of us
were barely aged fourteen.
A "daughter of evil" doomed
the kingdom from within,
But the stories lie, for she
was my precious little friend...

The town cheered and roared for the death of the "King/Queen" as the executor readied the gelatin. The whole crowd waited in anticipation, well all except two. Cater and a disguised Riddle watched in dread as "Riddle" bound in rope slowly made his way to the gelatin. As "Riddle lowered his head his E/c eyes meet Riddle's grey eyes in the crowd.

If the whole world plots
to extinguish your light, (Finally, the
bells are announcing that time)

If they find the need to
make you break and cry,
(I can feel my
heartbreak with each passing chime.)

Don't you worry, dear, I
am right by your side?
(With your eyes
averted, you look to the sky.)

So just smile for me; it'll be alright.

Riddle gasped in horror as he looked away when the blade fell, as the crowd cheered for the end of the crimson tyrant.

I am your loyal servant,
and you're my precious queen.
Us, a pair of pitied friends,

burdened by our destiny.
Let hellfire consume me,
if that's what must be done,
I have gladly played my part,
so that you may shine, my sun.

If the day comes that we
are reborn once again
It'd be nice to play with you;
So I'll wait for you 'til then.

The cherry Flower Witch (Twisted wonderland x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now