Kai - TVD

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Hate. That's all I felt for him.  Except, that's not true. I knew that was a lie, and that's what I hated. I hated the fact that I love him.

It had been a month since he escaped the prison world, and somehow, I was still left behind. He left without me, levaing me completely alone. Damon, Bonnie, Kai, all of them had managed to get out of the prison world.

Damon got out. Then him and Elena came for Bonnie, and rescued her, while I was on the other side of the country, and couldn't make it in time. I was few hours to late. Kai stole some of Bonnie's blood, and siphoned off some of my magic, then did the spell and escaped as well, leaving me behind.

If he left me behind, why did I love him? That wasn't something that I could even make the slightest amount of logic out of. I should hate him, I knew I should. I hated Damon and Bonnie though. They didn't come back for me.

I walked out of my room. I saw both Kai and Bonnie standing in the living room of the house I was staying at.

"You didn't think I wouldn't come back for you, did you?" Kai asked.

"What, had to bring her? Did you forget the spell, or run out of her blood? Or, would Damon not let you hurt her?" I asked.

"Thought you'd be happy to see her" Kai said.

I shook my head. "Her and Damon left me here. So did you." I said.

"I was trying to figure a way to get you back." Kai said.

"You are so full of bullshit, Kai." I said.

"Excuse me?" Kai asked.

"You know what I said. I get that it takes some damn lunar event or something to get here, but considering everything, it doesn't take that much for Bonnie. So, there's another reason, try again" I said.

"You wanna go back home or not?" Kai asked.

"I want the damn truth" I said.

"That's not happening." Kai said.

"Of course not. Just, take me home" I said.

Two hours later

I was sitting on the couch in my apartment. I was sitting in the dark, in the quiet.

The front door opened. I heard foot steps walk in before the door closed and locked.

"You really should lock the door. You never know who may walk in." Kai said before walking over to the couch.

I remained silent, hoping that if he didn't hear me, he wouldn't know I was out in the living room.

Kai sat down on the couch, sitting right next to me.

"Why are you sitting alone in the dark?" Kai asked.

"Because, I can. I like the dark." I said.

"Whys that?" Kai asked.

"It's, comforting, I suppose. I don't know why." I said.

"Next thing you know you're going to say thunder and lightning storms are comforting" Kai said.

"They are. I find comfort in the chaos." I said.

"Is that why you like me? You're drawn to chaos" Kai said.

"Perhaps" I said.

"You do like me?" Kai asked.

"Yeah, maybe I do." I said.

"Well, I'm a sociopath, so, I'm not really good at feelings. But, there may be a chance I could feel the same way" Kai said.

"I'm willing to take a chance. What's life without risk?" I said.

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