Stiles - Teen Wolf

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A/n: trigger warning for mentions of abuse

I had put my things away in my locker. It had been a long day. Hell, it had been a long week. There had been some crap that I had been through.

Of course, even though these things had hurt, I didn't want to tell anyone. I hadn't told anyone. I was scared to. I was scared that if I had chosen to tell anyone, someone would think that I was weak.

I had seemed especially distant lately. Scott and Stiles both wondered why. They asked, but I didn't tell them. I just kept my distance and disregarded the question.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jumped slightly and turned around. I sighed with relief when I realized  that it was just Stiles.

"You scared the crap out of me." I said.

"What's been going on with you?" Stiles asked.

"Nothing. I'm fine." I said.

Stiles raised his eyebrow. Just with that look, I could tell that he didn't believe me.

"You're lying." Stiles said.

I looked down at my feet. I wanted to deny the fact that I was lying, but I didn't really see a point. He would be able to tell anyway.

"You're right. I am." I said.

"What happened?" Stiles asked.

"Do you remember Xavier?" I asked.

"Your boyfriend?" Stiles asked, sounding a bit confused.

"Ex-boyfriend." I said.

"Did something happen between you two?" Stiles asked.

"Yeah. Can we, talk about this outside? Or better yet at my house. Somewhere where people can't eavesdrop." I said.

"Yeah, sure. I'll meet you there." Stiles said.

The both of us made our way to the exit of the school.

I walked out, then walked to my motorcycle. I put my helmet on then got on. I put my keys in the ignition, then started it up. Then I drove off and headed home.

Small time skip brought to you by Stiles's undying love for his jeep <3

I parked my motorcycle. I took the keys out of the ignition then got off. I walked to the door.

Once I reached the door I pulled my keys out of my pocket. I unlocked the door, opened it, then walked it.

Stiles walked in after me, then closed the door behind him.

"Where's  your mom's car?" Stiles asked.

I walked to the living room. "Her and my dad went on a vacation for their anniversary. They should be back in a few days." I said before I sat down on the couch.

Stiles sat down next to me. "So you're just home alone for the next few days?" He asked.

I nodded my head. "Yep. Pretty much. Which, this is pretty awful timing." I said.

"Why?" Stiles asked.

"The relationship between me and Xavier, it ended about a week ago. The reason it ended, is because of what he did." I said.

"What did he do?" Stiles asked, concern and worry lacing his voice.

"He did a lot of things, Stiles. He cheated on me. He called me terrible things. He gaslighted me. He physically and emotionally hurt me. He was, is a terrible person." I said.

"That, asshole. I'm gonna kick his ass." Stiles said.

"Don't." I said.

"Why? He hurt you. It's what he deserves." Stiles said.

"It's not gonna change  the past. It's not worth it. He isn't worth it." I said.

"How long was this going on?" Stiles asked.

"A few months. Four, technically. I kept brushing it off. He'd apologize, and make up for it. So I would brush it off and act like it didn't happen. I thought he could change." I said.

"You deserve so much better than that." Stiles said.

"But what if I don't? What if everything  that happened was my fault?" I asked.

Stiles grabbed onto my hand. "Hey, don't say that. Okay? Don't say it's your fault. It isn't your fault. You're the one who got hurt." He said.

"If I was just a better girlfriend, maybe it wouldn't have happened." I said.

"He's just a dick. It has nothing to do with who you are, and everything to do with who he is. This is on him. Not you." Stiles said.

I started tearing up. "If I had left sooner, I wouldn't be this hurt. It's my fault I feel like this." I said, my voice cracking slightly.

Stiles pulled me into a hug. "It isn't your fault. You were scared, and you tried to see the good in him." He said.

Tears fell down my face. "Now, now I know. I know that, that there is, no good in him." I said.

Stiles stroked the back of my head. "Some people are just bad people." He said.

I kept crying. I took deep shaky breaths. "It hurts. It really fucking hurts." I said.

"I know. It's going to be okay. I'm right here. You aren't alone. I've got you." Stiles said.

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