15//New Friends

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Year 2022
New York, USA
Penthouse, Shim Towers

After an hour of composing and discussing, Seokhoon seems to have warmed up to Seojun and Minho for a bit. Not much to Mina since she made him uncomfortable at times.

Seokhoon asked if they needed a break and urges them to follow him out as he orders Mr. Kim to prepare snacks.

Exiting the music room, the group came to a abrupt stop as they finally saw Rona, who was sitting on the sofa reading a book.

She simply sparkled and glowed even from a distance. The lights of the chandeliers created a spotlight that made her the center of attention. Not to mention she was in complete white, it made her look like a complete angel.

Seojun and Minho gaze at her with admiration.


Minho accidentally blurts out a bit too loud catching the attention of both Rona and Seokhoon.

Seokhoon realizing the 2 men were gazing at his girlfriend, dashes to Rona's side and holds her shoulders making her face him.

'Did you take a good rest? What are you doing out here and not in bed...?'

As he nags, Rona smiles at him and pats him urging him not to worry and to stop nagging. She then turns to the 3 people behind him and gives them her charming smile.

'You must be all tired, come make yourselves comfortable. I'll just go and help the maids prepare the snacks.'

Rona pecks Seokhoon's cheeks and goes to another hallway that leads to the kitchen.

Seojun and Minho smiles at her as she passes them.

Seokhoon, in order to take their attention of his girlfriend slightly races his voice

' Ya!!!! Come and sit down here.'

Snapping out of their thoughts and being mischievous yet again, Seojun and Minho sit on Seokhoon's left and right side.

'Tell us my bro.... How do you get such a beautiful lady. Do you have any tips for this good friend of yours?'

'His right... Rona ssi is so popular in her department. Guys all fall for her, she's beautiful, sings very well and kind. You got a full package here.'

Seokhoon grins secretly at their compliments and beams proudly while Mina rolls her eyes and looks around the living room.

Although, Seokhoon was slightly triggered when the 2 male said. Guys all around fall and fawn for Rona.

' I heard you have known each other for such a long time... I guess that's true then.'

Seokhoon snaps out of his thoughts as he looks at Mina, she was looking at a picture of Seokhoon and Rona a few years back during their CheongHa years. They were clearly younger then. He gazes at the picture and smiles as the 3 friends wait for his answer.

' We met when we were 16 years old and I guess eversince then we've been together.'

At his simple statement, Seojun who was slightly surprised decides to ask

'16...??! Aren't you both 22 now? It's been such a long time then. I heard from one of the student's in Rona ssi' s department that you both went to the famous CheongHa in South Korea together. Isn't that a super prestigious school? That would have been a freepass to Seoul National University. Why did you come here? '

Before Seokhoon could even decide if he should answer that question, Rona appears with the maids behind her. She guides them to put the snacks on the coffee table and joins Seokhoon on the love seat.

She tells the 3 to eat and holds Seokhoon's hand which was resting on his lap, as if telling him she was happy and proud of him becoming friends with other people.

The afternoon goes by and Rona chats with the 3, even warming up to Mina who found Rona's personality sweet and sincere.

'Thank you very much sister-in-law for the wonderful food. Joo Seokhoon, thanks for inviting us to your home.'

Seojun says with a hint of joking in his voice. The 2 boys called Rona sister-in-law to tease Seokhoon but yet again, he only had a poker face.

He waves at them as the 3 friends were escorted down to the lift and drove off to their homes with Seokhoon's car. Rona insisted to have them drove home since it was getting dark.

As they were left alone, Seokhoon and Rona eat their dinner together chatting about the composition he created a while ago.

'Ah... I almost forgot to tell you. Eunbyeol told me that Lee Minhyuk will be coming to New York very soon. Shouldn't we invite him? It's been such a long time or.... Should we let him stay here instead.'

Seokhoon looks at his girlfriend and contemplates about it for a while.

' Let him stay in a luxury hotel... He can afford it. '

' But... It won't be the same, he'll be alone there plus its only for a few days. Might as well catch up with him and let him stay with us for the time being.'

Seokhoon simply had to give in since she was giving him her puppy face, he couldn't resist her. It was true, the way to Seokhoon' s heart was simple. The answer was a certain woman named Bae Rona.

Seokhoon didn't want Minhyuk to stay with them. He didn't want to have a third party, knowing Minhyuk... he would tease Seokhoon and hog all of the moments he wanted to have alone time with Rona. But knowing he was defeated, he simply agreed and Rona went off contacting Jenny.

As Seokhoon prepares for bed, he thinks about the question Seojun asked him a few hours earlier.

'16...??! Aren't you both 22 now? It's been such a long time then. I heard from one of the student's in Rona ssi' s department that you both went to the famous CheongHa in South Korea together. Isn't that a super prestigious school? That would have been a freepass to Seoul National University. Why did you come here? '

Seokhoon pauses and stares at the picture of Rona and him on his bedside.

And here we go back to the tumultuous and painful year 2020.

Notes :

Double update for the first time today as a thank you to all my lovely readers. Also I have to publish this because wattpad is deleting my hardwork in the drafts. 🙄

Anyway, Look forward to the flashback chapters.

Also, a huge tip to look at all my headers where the year and location is included so you guys won't be confused 💕

Sorry, if I can't reply to all of your comments. As I said before my wifi is a huge b*tch.... Well that's what you get if your country has trashy internet connection.

'It's more fun in the Philippines'

Song of the chapter :
Ready to Love - Seventeen 💐
-Author Danielle 🍑

After Hera // Joo Seokhoon × Bae Rona AU 🌃✨💫Where stories live. Discover now