79// I Promise To Protect You Forever

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Year 2031
Seoul, South Korea
Joo Family Estate
5 Years later

5 years have went by in a flash.

Everyone had eventually settled in their own lives and were living life well.

By now, Lee Minhyuk and Yoo Jenny had 2 daughters. The first born Lee MinJi and Lee MinAh.

Next, BaekKyung and Joo Seokkyung had 2 kids. One son named Baek KyungMin and one daughters named Baek YeSeo.

After that, Ha Eunbyeol and her husband Heetae had 2 sons.... Hwang SunOh and Hwang SeonMin.

Meanwhile, Joo Seokhoon and Bae Rona were probably the ones who had the biggest family by now.

After SeoHyun, they were blessed with a son a year later. He was named Joo SeoJun, Seokhoon was probably the most overjoyed as the little boy was born.

After that, 2 years later Rona had surprised everyone as she yet again announced her third pregnancy. But what came as a surprise to everyone was not because she was pregnant..... But it was because she was pregnant with twins.

Yes!!!! Twins

It was a male and female, they had named them Joo SeoYeon and Joo SeoYoon.

There were of course, meanings for their names. For the boys, Seokhoon was mostly the one who picked their names.

Seojun meaning auspicious and handsome. SeoYoon meaning auspicious and sleek.

For the girls, Rona had basically made the decision for the most part.

SeoHyun meaning virtuous, worthy and able. Meanwhile, the name SeoYeon meaning beautiful and graceful.

Back to the present, Seokhoon and Rona had just wrapped up their respective tours.

It was a bright and sunny morning one day. Rona had decided to spend her time to play with her children.

Seokhoon meanwhile, in his true dad form sat on the terrace chair and simply read through the morning paper whilst sipping his morning coffee.

The children had been playing in the garden since they woke up early this morning.

As their laughter filled the air, the male smiles in contentment and happiness as he observes his family from a distance.

The scene playing in front of him simply told him that it was right for him to move his family back here.... their home 5 years ago.

The dream home he had built.... Had finally been used and utilized well.

Joo Seokhoon could not have asked for more.

He had a huge family on his own and finally.... He and Rona had finally healed from the past that they had longed to leave behind.

Even just by talking about it, did not affect them much anymore. But perhaps.... It was better left unspoken about.

But one day he knew.... That he and Rona had to explain to their children about a past that they both had shared.

That once upon a time a few years ago, there was a palace were a king and queen lived.

But unlike most fairytales, this story was filled with gruesome details that was soon splattered with blood and also murder plus endless cruel deeds.

And that they... were once residents of this palace which was named.... Hera Palace.

As Seokhoon grins and looks at his family.

He decides to finally join them soon as he folds up the newspaper and abandons his coffee.

'Oh!!!! Appa!!!!! Come and play cars with me.'

'No!!!! Appa promised to play princess tea time with me today. Line up first SeoJun Ah!!!'

And then.... All hell breaks loose as the two eldest start to fight/argue.

The twins simply stayed quiet as they played with their mother on the mini sand box.

Seokhoon sighed as he once again plays mediator between his children. In the corner of the garden, Rona grins as she crosses eyes with her husband. Winking, she teasingly whsipers a little 'good luck' as he reasons out with the two eldest.

Seokhoon as always, being the whipped male he is. Almost melts as his wife sends him that little wink. But realizing he had to stood his ground with his children, the male claps his hands as he thinks of something.

'How about this.... Instead of playing cars and princess tea time. Appa will teach you both piano instead. Sounds good?'

Eventually the two kids had agreed, but even before they could enter the house. Rona had to shout as she halts the two.

'SeoJun, SeoHyun..
Before you both join appa in the piano room. Go and ask your nanny's to run a warm bath for you both first. You played outside since a while ago so clean up first.'

'Yes, mom!!!!'

As the eldest children walk in the house to find their nannies, Seokhoon sighs and shakes his head as he sits behind his wife on the floor and wrap her in a sweet backhug.

The couple smiles as they gently played with the twins.

'You know..... I think building this home was the best decision I've ever made.'

Tilting her head to glance at her husband through her peripheral vision. Rona urges her husband to continue.

'This was everything that I had ever asked for since we went to New York to attend Julliard years ago.

I finally married you, the love of my life. We finally started our own family.... You gave me 4 beautiful angels to continue living and being strong.

And now, I can't believe how life has changed so much since then.....

Thank you.... My love'

Without saying anything, Rona grins as she turns back and cups her husband's cheeks. Leaning forward, the female tilts her head as she captures his lips onto hers.

Each kiss was like the first time for the lovers, but as they made out in the garden. A little cry soon breaks them out of their romantic mood.

SeoYeon, cries as SeoYoon stills the mini shovel from her tiny hands.

Switching on her mom mode, Rona scolds the little boy as she comforts her daughter.

Meanwhile, from behind Seokhoon grins as he leans forward and whispers on his wife's ear.

'My love, We'll have to continue that later but I promise you one thing.... I promise I'll be protecting you and our little angels forever until the day I die.'

Turning back to look at him, Rona grins as she suddenly pecks Seokhoon's lips

'We're equal then.... Because I also promise to protect this precious family forever... Until the day I also die.'

As the couple laugh together, Seokhoon smiles as he pecks his wife's forehead and stands to enter the house for his little piano lessons with his 2 other rascals (as he calls them)

And so we leave that there.

No happily ever afters but they continue to live life everyday with pure contentment and happiness. Cherishing each day as it goes by.

No one would have thought.... That life After Hera would have become this blissful and simple.

Something each resident in the oh so mighty and tall Hera Palace needed.

Not luxury, not gold but simply.... Silence and pure happiness. That was the magic of love and family.

And so we can say.... The story of Seokhoon, Rona and the other surviving characters of Penthouse continues on.


After Hera // Joo Seokhoon × Bae Rona AU 🌃✨💫Where stories live. Discover now