62// Maybe Someday

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Year 2025
Seoul, South Korea
Shilla Hotel

As the boring speeches and vcr's of old pictures from their high school days rolled on.

The Hera 'kids' weren't even paying that much attention. To be quite honest, they could still feel the slight hostility between them and their batch mates.

But knowing how they had been partly at fault for leading the bullying and violence. The Hera kids (excluding Rona) had long tried to redeem themselves by doing what's good and blossoming out from their parent's shadows.

Seated on Seokhoon's lap, Lee MinJi cutely bounces as she plays with her godfather.

It was one of those rare moments where you get to actually see Joo Seokhoon putting his guard down and acting cute for a little toddler.

Chuckling at his actions, Rona sweetly gazes at the little girl who had been staring intently at her husband.

As she notices the traces of drool on her chin. She leans forward and swiftly wipes her face with the baby's  napkin.

Seokhoon glances at his wife and smiles. The couple adorably plays with the toddler and tries to get her attention while making random hushed sounds.

Chuckling silently from beside her sister, Eunbyeol observes the scene in front of her and comments getting the attention of the other Hera kids and Baekkyung.

'Now that your both like that... You guys look like a real family.'

Jenny laughs as she swiftly takes her phone out and takes snapshots of her daughter together with her famous godfather and godmother who gazed at her with so much affection.

'Your both gonna be great parents.'

Baekkyung suddenly comments as he crosses eyes with his future brother in law.

Out of curiosity, Minhyuk opens his mouth to ask a question.

'I know you both already decided on not knowing the gender of Choco... But, do you guys want a daughter or a son?'

Chuckling, Rona turns her attention to the rest of the group and speaks up.

'I will be fine whether it would be a he or a she.... But my dear Seokhoonie here wants a daughter so desperately.'

Crossing her arms in front, Seokkyung speaks in her teasing mixed with her signature sassy voice.

'That's not a good sign... Isn't it? If Choco is a girl, then my niece will never be able to breathe for all her life as long as oppa may live.'

Looking up from MinJi, Seokhoon's face turns from a smiley one to a glare real fast.

Despite that, Seokkyung remained unfazed and continued as she scrunched her face in mischief.

' If Choco is a daughter then she would probably grow old as an old woman without any kids and partners... Choco isn't even born yet but why am I already feeling bad for her. If she is a girl then Rona would be her last hope.'

The group erupts in laughter (except for Seokhoon) as they all agree with Seokhoon' s tendency to be  overprotective on the people he loves and cares for.

Rolling his eyes, Seokhoon replies with his serious tone.

'Isn't it natural... Lee Minhyuk would probably feel the same for MinJi. As a father, you need to protect and care for your dau---'

He wasn't even able to finish his ranting as he was soon cut off mid sentence by his wife who scolded him to tone it down since the program was still going on and to be a bit considerate of the toddler who was now napping on his lap.

After Hera // Joo Seokhoon × Bae Rona AU 🌃✨💫Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora