68// A Happy Future For Seokkyung

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Year 2025
Seoul, South Korea
Café, Ha General Hospital

'I think we should hold it at a luxurious hotel...that way we can invite as many guests as we want.'

Seokkyung explains as she held onto her sister in law's arm.

Usually, Eunbyeol would be on board with Seokkyung's idea but as she sat beside Seokhoon and looked at her sister and Seokkyung who sat across from her. There was the evident look of disapproval on her face.

Eventually interjecting and making her opinion known. Eunbyeol grins at the 2 other females and politely replies to Seokkyung.

'This is only my opinion.... But, wouldn't it be too much for us to plan a baby shower and invite so many people? Rona is also expected to give birth in a few weeks so it is also kinda late.

How about we just keep it simple and invite only our families and close friends? '

Seokkyung was about to argue until her brother beats her to it. With a bright yet boyish grin, Joo Seokhoon smiles at Eunbyeol and literally agrees.

' Eunbyeol's right!!! No need to make it so lavish.

It's a private moment for us so let's just keep it small and private. It would be nice to just have it at home. I'm afraid we might strain Rona too much.'

Thinking about it for a while, Seokkyung huffs out a defeated sigh and eventually agrees.

' Fine!!! If you all insist.... How about we have it next week at your new home?

We can also take this opportunity and make it into a half baby shower and a half housewarming party.'

Slumping down onto the cushion of the café chair. Seokhoon rolls his eyes playfully and nods.

' Alright!!! Do whatever you want but don't bother decorating anymore.

It's gonna be a simple dinner and reunion for our families. Also, make sure to add to the messages that we will not be accepting anymore gifts.

Our house here in Seoul and the main one in New York is already stacked with things 'Choco' may need and use so I don't want to add more to the things we might have to bring back to New York. '

Rona chuckles at her husband's comment but before she could comment. A male voice disrupts the family's conversation and takes up all the attention in the cafe.

' Eunbyeol ssi!!! '

Turning her head to the direction where the unfamiliar male voice came from. Rona tilts her head in confusion as she crosses eyes with an handsome young man. Obviously, he works as a doctor since he was clearly wearing a white lab gown.

Glancing at the male stranger, Seokhoon turns his eyes to his dazed and frozen sister in law. But since she wasn't even budging, the male nudges her shoulders and asks.

'Who' s that guy? I think he just called you.... Aren't you gonna respond? '

Snapping out of her thoughts, Eunbyeol glances at Seokhoon then at Rona and eventually at Seokkyung. As if realizing something, she quickly jolts up from her chair and plasters on a nervous smile.

' If you'll all excuse me for a while.... I'll be back as soon as possible so just go on and eat first without me.'

And off she goes leaving her sister and in laws confused at her nervous and giddy actions.

As Rona was about to turn and look behind, Eunbyeol and the so called strange guy had suddenly disappeared.

Thinking not much of it, Rona and the Joo twins turn their attention back to the server who soon arrives with a tray filled with their food and beverages.

After Hera // Joo Seokhoon × Bae Rona AU 🌃✨💫Where stories live. Discover now