56// Telling The Fam

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Year 2024
New York, USA
Penthouse, Shim Towers

2 days later, Rona and Seokhoon sat quite nervous in front of the computer in Seokhoon's home office as they wait for the participants to join in on the video call.

After the revelation of her pregnancy Seokhoon had quickly moved most of his work to the Penthouse and had opted to stay by his wife's side to take care of her.

Seokhoon is the ideal type of husband any female could simply ask for.

He'd never want you lifting even 1 finger and would pamper you until your satisfied.

In simple terms, you'll be treated like a queen the whole time.

The screen soon shows the familiar faces who greet the couple with smiles and grins.

'OPPA!!! RONA YAH!!! What's up? Why did you have to gather all of us in this call?'

Seokkyung speaks up as other family and friends also enter the call.

Minhyuk, Jenny, Mari and Rona's family had all joined the call suddenly making the Hera gang complete.

' So the reason why we decided to call all of you today is because we have a very important news to tell all of you. We thought that instead of hearing this from others.... We should tell all of you first.'

By now the screen had went silent as they anxiously anticipate what was going to be said after Rona's little serious statement.

Glancing at Seokhoon, Rona nods indicating he should tell them instead.

Seokhoon looks at the screen and grins.


Seokhoon had spoke in such a rushed tone that for a few seconds the others had to process what he had just said.

Until Eunbyeol and Seokkyung simultaneously shouted.

'I'm going to be an aunt!'

Suryeon had lost all her energy on her legs and settled down to calm her heart.

'I'm going to be a grandmother....'

Likewise, Yoonchul had tears in his eyes as he gazed at his daughter's face from the monitor.

He is also going to become a grandfather.

As the others took in the news, everyone had already lost focus and started asking questions here and there.

Confused and flustered at the chaotic video call, Seokhoon puts his hands up in front of the screen and immediately shuts all their friends and families up.

'I'll answer each of your questions later.... For now, I'll tell you all the basic details. We found out a few days ago, She's just been pregnant for 1 and a half month so it's impossible to know the gender.'

Jenny and Minhyuk grins as they congratulate the couple first.

' As expected.... Joo Seokhoon, I knew you were fast. Well.... even before you both married you 2 were always faster than other so I already expec---'

Jenny had quickly muffled her husband's huge mouth as she chuckled out of embarrassment.

'What Minhyuk means to say is congratulations you two.... We're both extremely happy for you.'

If only looks could kill, Minhyuk would have probably died so many times now. He seems to never learn when talking about 'unecessary' things especially in front of Joo Seokhoon himself.

After Hera // Joo Seokhoon × Bae Rona AU 🌃✨💫Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu