33// It's Not Your Fault

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Year 2022
Seoul, South Korea
Seoul General Hospital

'OH MY GOD, Rona yah!!! Are you okay? Is your head hurting?'

A loud voice breaks the gentle and sweet moment, turns out Seokkyung had entered the room and due to her shouting Minhyuk and Jenny had already awoken and were standing at the foot of Rona's bed looking concerned.

' Seokkyung ah, turn your voice down a little.... This is a hospital.'

Seokhoon scolds his sister in a hushed tone.

'I'm sorry, I was just shocked.... Now that your awake we should prepare the papers for you to be moved to the penthouse. It's not safe here anymore.'

With a little gaze, Seokkyung beckons Jenny and Minhyuk to follow her out. She knew her brother had to explain everything to Rona and they had to take care of the papers and staff so that Rona could be moved out in private without the mob of reporters attacking them.

As the door closes, Rona turns to Seokhoon who was already looking at her.

'What is happening? Cheon SeoJin is dead? Where's Eunbyeol?'

Rona had so many questions in her head that it simply hurt and frustrated her.

Seokhoon calms his girlfriend down and breathes in and out to wake himself up.

'From here on.... Listen to me, Cheon SeoJin committed suicide this morning after investigations on your mother's death has concluded. The police had released the documents and evidence that proove she and my father have connections to eommo-nim' s death. '

Rona' s heart dropped, staring at Seokhoon's eyes she loses her strength and lays her head on his shoulder. He was now seated on the hospital bed trying to comfort her. He hated seeing this side of Rona and somehow it was all coming true.... His fear of the old and depressed Rona coming back.

'Eunbyeol ... Where is Eunbyeol?'

Rona asks shocking Seokhoon that she was worried about her half-sister.

'I need to go to her... Eunbyeollie must be hurting so much, she just lost her mother.'

Frantic and not in the right state of mind, Rona tries to pull the IV out of her hands. Seokhoon who was now alert as ever, held his girlfriend down trying to comfort her. Whispering to her that it was all gonna be fine.

A few minutes later, Seokkyung enters the room to see a dazed and blank Rona laying on her brothers arm.

Seokhoon looks up and nods at his sister, Seokkyung with a hushed voice speaks cautiously.

'Oppa.... Rona yah, we'll be moving out in a few minutes through the hospital' s backdoor.... We have to move to the Penthouse, Reporters are flooding the lobby. '

Nodding as a sign of acknowledgement, Seokhoon pats his silent girlfriend gently and Seokkyung exits yet again to ready their security team.

Soon enough, a doctor comes to fix Rona' s IV line and she is put in a wheelchair. Seokhoon pushes from behind while the Hera kids are being escorted to the back door. Jenny holds onto Rona's free hand comforting her best friend who obviously still had shock and fear tainted on her face.

As they all board their cars Rona and Seokhoon going into the one Secretary Yoon was in. Seokkyung, Jenny and Mimhyuk rode in the 2nd one. 2 cars followed from the front and back, it was Logan's security team who backed them up in case the press decided to do something funny yet again.

As they soon arrive in the Penthouse, Suryeon decided that Rona would continue to stay in Seokhoon's room at least until she's ready to go back to New York. Setting the IV stand in Seokhoon's room, he gently tucks his girlfriend in bed and tried to comfort her.

'Everything will be fine, once the doctor says you have regained your energy. We'll go visit them in the funeral home.'

Rona who was now trying to stay calm, nodded and gave her boyfriend a smile to reassure him she was now okay.

For the rest of the day, Seokhoon stayed by Rona' s side not leaving her alone since she was in a vulnerable state. Seokkyung came in occasionally, chatting with Rona to help her forget about the events that just happened. Even, Baekkyung was summoned to the penthouse. Just so he could visit and keep Seokkyung company.

The following day, doctors finally removed the IV line. Ordering her to still have rest and less stress. But she insisted to go and visit Eunbyeol.

Jenny and Seokkyung helped her change and get ready, all the Hera kids wore full black. A proper attire for funerals, Suryeon and Logan plus the other Hera adults decided to go with them.

Dressed in a black long sleeved dress and black suede boots, Seokhoon held onto her acting us support since she was still a bit weak.

Year 2022
Seoul, South Korea
Asan Funeral Home

Arriving at the funeral home, as expected the press stood by the entrance mobbing them and attacking them with crazy questions. Logan's security team helped the Hera people pass through. As they enter the quiet and long hallway, there she was Ha Eunbyeol sitting on the floor silent with remnants of dried tears stained on her cheeks. Yoonchul was silently sitting beside his daughter, with a arm on her back he tried to be strong for her.

'Eunbyeol ah....'

Eunbyeol looks up and tears trickle down her eyes as she looks up to see Rona. She slowly gets up and kneels in front of her half sister.

'I'm sorry..... I'm sorry  that I had to cause you so much pain. My mother did so many things to you... Don't forgive me Rona yah, it's all my fault.'

Tearing up, Rona kneels down to meet her sister. Seokhoon slightly steps back to let the sisters have their moment while Yoonchul just gazes at his daughters crying.

' It's not your fault Eunbyeol ah, Your not her.... You deserve to live a life that's not trapped in that world. You can still live your life happily with us... Your my sister, my only sibling.... Don't blame yourself.'

Rona says gently while holding onto Eunbyeol' s hands, she then leans in to capture her in a embrace. Eunbyeol returns it, soon enough Yoonchul joins in and wraps his arms around his 2 daughters.

'I'm so proud of you two, my lovely angels... You've both went through such painful childhoods.... Appa promises to protect and make both of you happy now.'

Eunbyeol sighs in relief as she finally feels the heavy burden in her heart disappear. She was thankful that Rona did not blame her, although she feels guilt and regret. She knew they had to move on now.

Finally.... The real war has concluded, although freedom came with much misfortune. At the end of the day, the living ones shall continue to thrive and live their life happily.

Notes :

Double update again today, no more stress in the next chapters cause I want the cute and sweet chapters to return 🤣

Hopefully you guys are not that stressed yet but there's like a few days until the next episode and I'm already so tired 🐒💤

Next chapter is a chapter for our lovely Ha Family 🌼💕❤️🌹

Anyway, Happy reading and stay safe 💕✨


After Hera // Joo Seokhoon × Bae Rona AU 🌃✨💫Where stories live. Discover now