74// Officially A Family

838 41 23

Year 2025
Seoul, South Korea
Ha General Hospital

'Congratulations Mr and Mrs. Joo, you have a healthy and beautiful baby girl.'

Seokhoon smiles brightly as he lowers his mask and leans down to peck his exhausted and almost breathless wife.

'Mr. Joo, would you like to do the honors ?'

The doctor beckons the young father and hands him the scissors as they guide him to cut the umbilical cord so that they could finally separate the baby from the mother.

Believe it or not, all his life Joo Seokhoon had rarely cried but as he observes his daughter. Tears had automatically trickled down his cheeks.

After cleaning the newborn infant, the nurse carefully hands the baby to the excited and nervous father.

Seokhoon gently smiles at the tiny bundle of joy, and with his soft and sing song voice. The young father speaks with his daughter for the first time ever.

'Hello baby, it's me your appa ..... Do you recognize my voice? You did a good job, your such a beautiful little girl.....Thanks for not letting eomma have such a hard time.'

As if on cue, Seokhoon glances at his wife who was now looking at them in silence. The doctors and nurses had started to prepare since they still had to stitch Rona up but the family still had to have this little moment hence they had opted to stay silent.

Sitting beside Rona, Seokhoon gently hands the infant to his wife and together the young parents teared up as they greeted their daughter for the first time.

They were now officially a family of 3, the flower of Joo Seokhoon and Bae Rona's love story had officially bloomed and flourished into a beautiful and well deserved light of beautiful hope.

'Thank you Rona yah..... Thank you for not giving up on us, thank you for believing in me, thank you for bringing light into my dark world and most of all thank you.....for gifting me with this miracle.'

Leaning forward to capture his wife's lips, Seokhoon smiles as he wipes the stray tears away from her cheeks.

Rona silently replies in a soft but also groggy voice.

'No, thank you for staying with me and also gifting me with this miracle. From now on, we'll live happily and start our own happy family together.... I love you, my love'

After that tender and precious moment, the nurses had to take the baby girl away to be examined and checked if there was any problem. Meanwhile, Seokhoon had to step outside since now all that was to be done was for the doctors to fix Rona up and yet again move her back into her suite for recovery.

As Seokhoon wipes his tears, he silently bids a short goodbye to his wife and swiftly exits the delivery room only to meet a group of excited family members and friends.

It was already 2:30 AM, and Suryeon, Logan, Yoonchul, Eunbyeol, Seokkyung with the additional group of visitors mainly Jenny, Minhyuk, Heetae and Kyung all had their eyes on the male as if expecting him to tell them what had happened.

'So.....Oppa tell us now and don't you dare beat around the bush. It's a girl, isn't it !!?'

With his obviously tired and red eyes, Seokhoon manages to plaster on a wide grin and nods at his twin sister's remark/ question.

'Yup!!! It's a girl..... I'm a proud father of a beautiful and healthy daughter born on 2:14 AM weighing 3.5 kg.'

And then the cheers erupted on that bright yet narrow hallway.

After Hera // Joo Seokhoon × Bae Rona AU 🌃✨💫Where stories live. Discover now