46// Same Dream, Same Mind, Same Night

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*listen to the song I put up while reading this chapter*

Year 2024
Jeju, South Korea
Logan's Estate in Jeju

Following behind Rona and Yoonchul, Eunbyeol as maid of honor walks following the calm pace of her father and sister while paying attention to the long trail of the silk veil Rona wore under her pearl tiara.

For the whole walk, the couple didn't take their eyes off each other and gazed at each other's eyes while the crowd admires Rona's beautiful gown and appearance.

As the daughter and father arrive beside Seokhoon, Yoonchul smiles proudly at the couple and willingmy gives up Rona's hands to his soon to be son-in-law.

Suryeon and Logan smiles with pride as Seokhoon holds Rona's hands leading her to their places in the center.

'Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to join together this man and woman in----'

As the priest went on to officiate their wedding, the couple only gazed at each other. Although Rona's face was still covered by the veil, she could slightly see a tear escaped from Seokhoon' s eyes. Reassuring him with a smile, she grins at the thought that they would exit this place married.

'I, Joo Seokhoon take you Bae Rona, to be my wife. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward until death do us apart.'

'I, Bae Rona take you Joo Seokhoon , to be my husband . To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse---'

As both repeat their vows to each other and say their I do's, they soon exchange their rings. Grinning at each other, the priest soon announces the official declaration.

' At this point, I declare that you be man and wife..... And therefore - - - '

Facing Seokhoon with a gentle smile, the middle aged priest smiles and continues with a grin.

'You may kiss the bride....'

Nodding his head gently at the middle aged man, Seokhoon faces his bride and lifts the silk veil up.

Grinning at her angelic face, Seokhoon gently grabs her waist and leans in to connect their lips together.

As soon as their lips touch, thunderous claps and roars of congratulations erupt as the sun sets behind the couple.

'That's us next.... You better be ready Yoo Jenny, my kiss will be a thousand times better than of Seokhoon' s'

Amidst the loud guests, Jenny scoffs at her fiancee and rolls her eyes at him as she continues to cheer and squeal at the newly married couple.

Ignored by Jenny, a hand suddenly holds onto Minhyuk's shoulder from behind. Startled, Minhyuk looks behind to meet Dongpil's icy glare.

'What did you say about kissing my daughter?'

Minhyuk stands up and bows at his future father in law and silently apologizes as Jenny just laughs at her father and fiancée.

Eunbyeol joins in the cheering with Seokkyung as the couple turn to their guests and smile at them.

Soon enough, the couple runs down the aisle together holding-hands as their friends follow behind to exit the venue and prepare for the reception at nighttime.

As soon as they start the journey down the aisle, white and light pink petals start to fall from the sides as if they were little bits of confetti. Grinning at each other, Seokhoon smiles at his now wife and squeezes her hands as they run out to be out of sight from the other guests.

After Hera // Joo Seokhoon × Bae Rona AU 🌃✨💫Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz