Chapter 15 Sister Control Li Qingshan (Catch Insects)

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    It was Lin Yueniang who followed her father and mother to the ground. She was always accustomed to being carefree, and besides, she was not afraid of offending the Tian family. Ask her to say that Qingnuan's girl should have separated from her mother-in-law when she got married. Otherwise, just follow your own example and dare to bully yourself, then just stop at the door of the other party and beat him up, so that you can live a life of grievances. Of course, she also knows that such a thing can only be thought about in her heart, and she can't say it.

    With Lin Yueniang's words, the next villagers couldn't help shaking their heads, and even three or five people couldn't help but murmur a few times when they dispersed. The things that Old Man Tian did with his wife must have been blind to God, and this made his homeland suffer. However, when they go back, they can tell their family well that they will see the Tian family except Tian Tieshi in the future.

     Wang  suffered for a while, and her intention was to go up and have a tear with  Zhang , but before she was slapped, she was dragged aside by the old man Li directly. As soon as she turned her head, she saw her face sinking, and she fell silent and did not dare to say anything again. Although she is also splashy, it is different from Zhang's. If Old Man Li shows anger, she will immediately retreat, because she is a widow/wife, for fear of being abandoned.

    When the incident broke out, the aunt and daughter-in-law who were originally reluctant to go to the Tian's house to help immediately after the farming work ended, but now they also spontaneously became a cage. Aunt Liu used to be a matchmaker, and she also brought together a few familiar daughters-in-law, who will help in the kitchen of the banquet.

    But after the wheat harvest, the work on the wheat farm has just been finished. Tian Tieshi got together with Aunt Liu and Old Uncle Tian, ​​and set out the details and rules of marriage. Then he gave four taels of silver to Old Uncle Tian, ​​who was in charge of the house, and asked him to help prepare the meat and vegetables for the wedding banquet.

    The bowls, chopsticks, tables and chairs used on the banquet were borrowed by the villagers. Because of concerns about Zhang's misuse, Tian Tieshi directly asked him to put these things in the home of Lin Jiashi. Brother Shi is also a person who has experienced happy events. He knows that on the day of the affair, Tian Jia's stove will be overwhelmed. With the help of those people, he will have to cook a few pots of food for people in the early morning.

    Therefore, Big Brother Shi simply found a few young graduates to make up two big iron pots and set them up in the Tian's yard.

    After all these were settled, Tian Tieshi returned home contentedly. After entering the new house, look left and right, for fear that the layout is not detailed enough. As for the stove and his mother Zhang's side, he hadn't counted on it at all.

    Tian Jiacheng , although from the bottom of his heart, he feel that his elder brother is so extravagant, and he doesn't feel sorry for the money like flowing water at all. This is a bit too much. But the money didn't come from him, and his parents didn't add a note, so he had been talking for a long time,  he couldn't only sneer.

    On the He’s side, Tian Tieshi did the work of harvesting the wheat in the wheat field at noon. It is sincere that the child knows that He is good to the little girl, so he is not afraid of getting tired. He is ready. So this time, Sister He  is leading Da Lang, ready to go to the Li family to take a look.

    But before she left the house, an ox cart in the distance swayed slowly, and when she reached the door, a man with a jacket on his neck jumped off the ox cart. At this time, he didn't care about knotting the ox cart, he just wanted to ask clearly what was going on, why he helped to escort the cart and his sister was married by the stepmother?

    As soon as Sister He took her son out of the house, he saw Li Qingshan push open the door in a hurry, as if something major had happened. She was not an assertive woman in the first place. Seeing her man's face full of sadness and anger, she was also panicked at the moment.

    "Da Lang, you go to the door and look at our bullock cart, and let your mother stir-fry meat for you in the evening." Li Qingshan's voice brought the strongness and madness of the mountain man. He first hugged the son who was rushing up, and then he shot him through the door. Then He hurriedly asked, "What is this? Dad really sold the girl while I was away?"

    Li Qingshan's temperament was straight and violent. If Sister He couldn't explain this clearly, he would definitely not let it go, maybe he would really bring a kitchen knife to find his parents and Tian's family desperately.

    Seeing that Li Qingshan was anxious about his sister-in-law's affairs, Sister He calmed down and hurriedly pulled him to sit down, "You rash man, our sister has agreed about this matter. She is also willing... ..."

    In this way, Sister He  babbled and explained to Li Qingshan clearly what happened these days. In this way, Li Qingshan, who was still in a hurry, stopped thinking hard, but when he thought that when he was not at home, Wang had made a marriage for his sister for a few taels of silver, and before that she planned to sell his sister to a wealthy family as a cocunbine, he felt aggrieved in his heart.

    "Okay, you and Da Lang will unload the things. There is an old hen in it. You will make up for a while." Li Qingshan took the sweat towel he handed over and wiped his sweat. "I'll go A visit to Old Uncle Tian, ​​the parents of the Tian family are not righteous, but Old Uncle Tian is still kind..."

    In Li Qingshan's mind, he can't directly ask his sister about this matter. The girl's face is thin and she certainly doesn't want to talk to him. Said that, but since his wife He said it was good, she must not be wrong, and his wife will not harm his sister. Then he could only ask the old uncle Tian who signed the marriage letter for Tian Tieshi, and also the maiden brother to support the sister.

    As for his father's place, Li Qingshan's heart was chilled a long time ago. At the beginning, he could watch him chop his fingers, and tomorrow he could acquiesce in Wang  bullying Qing Nuan. If Qing Nuan really marries the right man this time, it would be a good deal, and it would be a concern for him to be a brother. As for the future, he does not say that he is not filial to his father, but let him visit from time to time, then forget it.

    Before Li Qingshan left, he slipped a small piece of smoked stewed meat from the ox cart. This was a reward from the Escort when he came back from the car. He originally wanted to secretly give it to his sister and let her hide in her house to eat, but now it has become a gift he went to Uncle Tian's house.

    There are always two meals in the wheat harvesting season for farmers. It's the afternoon now, and it's time for the people in the village to eat the afternoon meal, so Li Qingshan brought things at the right time, "Old uncle, uncle... are you eating now?"

    Uncle Tian and his wife, who were eating in the shade under the pear trees in the yard, heard this voice, put down their bowls and greeted Li Qingshan over, "My wife, go and serve Qingshan a bowl of rice soup."

    Aftee asking Aunt Tian, from one side. He pulled a small wooden bench over and let Li Qingshan sit down with a smile, "Qingshan, you will talk to your old uncle first, I will give you a bowl of vegetable rice soup."

    Li Qingshan did not refuse, there are only so many people in the village, who It is also indispensable to eat a bowl of rice from other people's homes. When Aunt Tian went to serve the meal, Qing Shan passed the stewed pork in her hand, "This is a piece of stewed pork, and it's not a valuable thing. I will use it for the
old uncle to serve ." Aunt Tian saw that he had something to say. The old man didn't refuse, and took the meat to the stove after a few words.

    Seeing Li Qingshan’s look anxious, Old Man Tian guessed that it was because of his sister’s affairs, and he did not hide it at the moment, "If you don’t come back, I have to ask your aunt to find your wife. This is a big deal. can not be vague, your father is a sub-soft ears, you stepmother is also a love of wrangling. Tian my brother that, let alone ...... "

    By the time the wedding of her family, which was to be the scene of pressure. If you can't overwhelm the Tian family, I'm afraid that this girl will be deceived and bullied by her younger brother and sister Xiao Zhang.

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