Chapter 48 Tian Lao San Marries a Silly Aunt

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  Although he doesn’t know why his wife cares about this matter, the man who always puts her wife first is still telling the truth about the villagers’ handling of jujubes.

  After listening to Tian Tieshi's words, Li Qingnuan's mind began to come alive. Dried jujubes are just right, they can be directly made into candied fruit and jujube puree, jujube wine and jujube vinegar are also good things, and you can make jujube noodles when they are ground into jujube powder. And it's not expensive for two pennies a catty. What's more important is that the drugstore usually needs wild jujube kernels, and she needs to use wild jujube meat to eat. If this is true, then you can sell the remaining jujube nuclei for at least two cents if you don’t cook and eat yourself.

  When Tian Tieshi woke up early the next morning, he first checked whether his wife was sleeping securely, and then pressed the quilt to her. Finally, he put the thin quilt under the feet of his wife, and then crept down the kang. Because he was worried about waking his wife, he washed his face in the cold kitchen room that hadn't been lit.

  With a breath of air-conditioning, Uncle Zhang was walking towards Qianshan with his basket on his back. He quickly took a long bamboo pole and rushed up.

  Of course, he wouldn't be like Uncle Zhang and other women in the village, only reaching for jujube trees under the mountain. Because he was young and strong, coupled with flexible hands and feet, he was not afraid of strenuousness, so he climbed the hillside to the middle of the mountain and started to grab.

  This wasn't a big deal at first, but he didn't know that the aunts who were picking up jujubes began to praise the honest and humble young Tieshi again. As they talked, everyone started nagging about the unkindness of the old couple.

  Yesterday, someone who watched the excitement began to popularize gossip, vividly learning from that Zhang shi and Xiao Zhang  to those who work with his children, how they forced the daughter-in-law of the separation of families to make life difficult. It is said that the child Qing Nuan is soft-tempered and kind to others. She is not bad with the daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law of any other family. In the past, when her stepmother Wang shi bullied her, she had never seen her uncomfortable crying. At most, she would go to no one's corner to wipe her tears. Of course, this is just a simple guess. If it weren't for being forced into anxiousness, how could she cry into tears with her body in her arms yesterday, and even said that if she saw Xiao Zhang and the others she would take a detour in the future.

  This is interesting. How can there be a sister-in-law in the world who was scared by his younger sister in law? Just like that, the topic of people's gossip turned to Xiao Zhang's scheming of her sister-in-law, and even the family in the neighboring village of Zhang's was scolded a few words.

  But having said that, no one in the old Tian family dared to make waves anymore. Lizheng said, if they make noise again, they will be deregistered directly and let them go wherever they want with their own household stickers.

  Now who is not sure if Chaohegou is really cruel to drive away their family, no one in other villages will want to take them in. Besides, they have lived here all their life, and when he is dying, he has nowhere to go. Even if he sees Qian again and wants to dig out something from the old man, he will not dare to make trouble again.

  The Zhang family in the neighbouring village was even lost because of a girl like Zhang who had been married for decades. There is no other way but to ask the person in charge to break the relationship with her. Zhang's family is not the only one of her aunts and grandmothers, and there are many unmarried girls in the family. If she is really tired of fame, then the patriarch and older generations of the Zhang family will have no face to meet their ancestors.

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