Chapter 84

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After listening to Li Qingnuan's plan, several people's eyes lit up. And Tian Tieshi, who has always been stupid, this time, he woke up from a dream. They can expand their business according to Zhao's groceries method.

With Chaohegou as the base camp, independent workshops are set up in various places, and 10% of the profits are distributed to the shopkeepers in various places, and the rest are returned to Chaohegou according to the account book settings. Of course, Li Qingnuan thought about it more carefully and comprehensively, and from herself, she got a few supervisors who were specially responsible for the production.

This overseer is naturally a reliable and trustworthy person, so that the shops around the world don't think about what they shouldn't have, and finally smash the brand of Tian's workshop.

Because they want to open workshops in various places, Tian Tieshi and Li Qingshan have been busy with each other these days. The newly arrived county magistrate didn't know who had entrusted him, but he also paid some attention to the Tianjia workshop, and what the other party had to do would indeed make his political performance look better, so the yamen was not at all embarrassed.

Spring and autumn have come, and in a blink of an eye, they have been busy for a whole year, from recruiting people to trying to make dishes in various places, but let Tian Tieshi and the others turn around.

Li Qingnuan, Mrs. He, and Yueniang were idle because of their children, but it was not easy to use their brains to settle accounts and worry about things in the workshop.

It took more than ten months to prepare to open branches in various places, and Li Qingnuan invested all the remaining several thousand taels of silver into this expansion, in addition to the two hundred and two weeks of silver he kept. It can be said that this is her most courageous decision.

Tian Tieshi naturally fully supported his . After the polishing of time and the experience after the initial encounter, Tian Tieshi and Li Qingshan can now be on their own. Although it is not foolproof and round, it is enough for the production of small wine and vegetable workshops.

Once the business is established, there will naturally be imitators, but no matter how many people want to be the second in Tianjia's workshop, they have not been able to develop a better taste than Li Qingnuan's recipe. What's more, the spicy and crispy products developed by many people have poor image and taste, but the cost is not lower than that from Tian's family.

Regarding competition, Li Qingnuan had already thought about it. Anyway, she only insisted on this recipe. Even if there are similar products, they can't make exactly the same taste.

At the beginning of the twelfth lunar month, when the auspicious day is chosen, Tianjia workshops all over the country have put up signs. The Chaohegou was even more lively all day.

The happy event of opening and expanding the workshop must not make the old and young men happy?

Because of the large number of people to invite, plus the fact that he has a family background, and more importantly, he is worried that his wife will be tired of packing things, so Tian Tieshi simply invited a team from outside to specialize in banquets and wedding banquets. Thirteen dishes per table, with meat and vegetables, with seats, benches, pots and pans, a total of eight taels of silver.

Although they used a lot of money, it was decent, and Li Qingnuan also felt that it would save time and effort by hiring a team to do it. Not distressed.

The banquet team came early in the morning with half a fan of pork, a basket of elbows, chicken and duck, and various dishes. Most of these things were handled by them the day before, and they can do it here as long as they catch the pot and open the fire.

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